Employee Information Dialog Box

Use the Employee Information dialog box to enter an employee's name and related information.


To display the Employee Information dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Configuration workspace, click on the left edge of the Deltek CRM page to go to the Employees & Users area.
  2. Hover over the grid row for a new or existing employee.
  3. Click near the end of the row.



Field Description
FIRST NAME Enter the employee's first name.
MIDDLE NAME Enter the employee's middle name or initial.

Enter the name that the employee prefers to be addressed by.

If you enter a preferred name, it is used instead of the first name in the FULL NAME field and in the name as it appears elsewhere in Deltek CRM.

LAST NAME Enter the employee's last name.
SUFFIX Click in this field to select a suffix for the employee's name (for example, Jr. or Sr.).

If you activated the Resource Planning module and import employee information from a .CSV file or using the API, you can import professional suffixes (for example, Phd or AIA) separately from suffixes that are part of the employees' names. If you did not activate Resource Planning, use this field for professional suffixes.

If the suffix you need is not listed and you think it should be, go to the Lists tab in the Customization area of the Configuration workspace and add it to the list of values for the Suffix list.

TITLE Click in this field to select the employee's job title. If none of the standard titles apply, you can enter a title that is not on the list. If you enter a title that is not on the list, however, be aware that your entry is not automatically added to the standard list of job titles. If you think it should be on the list, go to the Lists tab in the Customization area of the Configuration workspace and add it to the list of values for Employee Title.
MOBILE PHONE Enter the employee's mobile phone number.