Manage Client Receipts (New tab) window

Use the New tab of the Manage Client Receipts window to enter and apply client receipts, and to identify a receipt as a prepayment.

After you make a selection in the Type field, fields for one of the following appear:

Client Receipt

Miscellaneous Receipt

Credit Memo

Intercompany (multi-company only)

See also

Manage Client Receipts (Deposits tab)

Manage Client Receipts (Existing tab)

Manage Client Receipts (Prepayments tab)


Client receipt

Field Description

Client or Project

The client or project associated with the receipt. You can select to display invoices by client or project.

Receipt company

Multi-company only. The company receiving payment

Receipt date

The date of the receipt


The method of payment, such as check or electronic funds transfer (EFT)


Optional identification number for the receipt, such as a check number or routing ID


Optional identification for the receipt. It is the number that you write on the deposit slip for the receipt

Click to add, change, or open attachments.

Linked files must be in a shared location for other people to open them (for example, on a shared network or a website).

Pay by phase

Select to display invoice distributions by phase instead of activity.


The amount of the receipt


Any notes or comments about the receipt


The project


The invoice number


The invoice date


The original amount of the invoice


The amount previously paid on the invoice


The amount of any credit memos that were issued for the invoice


The amount of the invoice that is unpaid

When this field is highlighted in red, you cannot save the entry. You can only save the entry when the amount and balance due are positive.

Sales tax

The unpaid sales tax on the amount due

Appears only if you selected Apply sales tax on the Billing tab in company preferences. Ajera automatically calculates this amount based on the sales tax rate you entered for the project or phase (in the Project Command Center > Project Info tab > Billing subtab).

When this field is highlighted in red, you cannot save the entry. You can only save the entry when the amount and balance due are positive.


If this check box is selected, the invoice is to be paid by the receipt


If the Pay check box is selected, this field contains the amount of the invoice to pay

When this field is highlighted in red, you cannot save the entry. You can only save the entry when the amount and balance due are positive.

Sales tax

The sales tax on the amount you are paying

Appears only if you selected Apply sales tax on the Billing tab in company preferences. Ajera automatically calculates this amount based on the sales tax rate you entered for the project or phase (in the Project Command Center > Project Info tab > Billing subtab).

When this field is highlighted in red, you cannot save the entry. You can only save the entry when the amount and balance due are positive.

Distributions (appear when you click the plus sign):

Activity type or phase

The activity type or phase. The Phase column appears if the Pay by phase check box is selected.


The original billed amount of the distribution


The amount previously paid on the distribution


The amount of credit memos that were issued for the distribution


The amount of the distribution that is unpaid

Sales tax

The unpaid sales tax on the amount due

Appears only if you selected Apply sales tax on the Billing tab in company preferences. Ajera automatically calculates this amount based on the sales tax rate you entered for the project or phase (in the Project Command Center > Project Info tab > Billing subtab).


If selected, the distribution is to be paid


If the Pay check box is selected, this field contains the amount to of the distribution to pay

Sales tax

The sales tax on the amount of the distribution you are paying

Appears only if you selected Apply sales tax on the Billing tab in company preferences. Ajera automatically calculates this amount based on the sales tax rate you entered for the project or phase (in the Project Command Center > Project Info tab > Billing subtab).

Prepayments table:


The project


If this check box is selected, either all or part of the receipt is a prepayment.


The amount of the prepayment

Miscellaneous receipt

Field Description


The company or person issuing the payment

Receipt company

Multi-company only. The company receiving payment

Receipt date

The date of the receipt


The method of payment such as check or EFT


Optional identification number for the receipt, such as a check number or routing ID


Optional identification for the receipt. It is the number that you write on the deposit slip for the receipt

Click to add, change, or open attachments.

Linked files must be in a shared location for other people to open them (for example, on a shared network or a website).


The amount of the receipt


Any notes or comments about the receipt


The account to credit for the amount of the distribution


unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Departments add-on

The department to credit for the amount of the distribution

This field is available only if you are using departments and the account you selected has a type of Income, Billable Cost, Expense, or Other Income.


The amount of the receipt to pay

Credit memo

Field Description

Client or project

The client or project associated with the receipt

Receipt company

Multi-company only. The company receiving payment


The date of the credit memo

Reduce project billed amount

If selected, the amount billed is reduced by the amount of the credit memo.

Click to add, change, or open attachments.

Linked files must be in a shared location for other people to open them (for example, on a shared network or a website).

Credit by phase

Select to display invoice distributions by phase instead of activity.


The amount of the credit memo

Write-off bad debt

Select if this is a credit memo for an uncollectible client invoice.


Any notes or comments about the credit memo


The project


The invoice number


The invoice date


The original amount of the invoice


The amount previously paid on the invoice


The amount of any previous credit memos for the invoice


The amount of the invoice that is unpaid

Sales tax

The unpaid sales tax on the amount due

Appears only if you selected Apply sales tax on the Billing tab in company preferences. Ajera automatically calculates this amount based on the sales tax rate you entered for the project or phase (in the Project Command Center > Project Info tab > Billing subtab).


If selected, all of the invoice is credited.


The amount of the invoice to credit

Sales tax

The sales tax on the amount you are crediting

Appears only if the invoice has sales tax or you selected Apply sales tax on the Billing tab in company preferences. Ajera automatically calculates this amount based on the sales tax rate you entered for the project or phase (in the Project Command Center > Project Info tab > Billing subtab).

Distributions (appear when you click the plus sign):

Activity type or phase

The activity type or phase. Phase column appears if the Credit by phase check box is selected.


The original billed amount of the distribution


The amount previously paid on the distribution


The amount of any previous credit memos for the distribution


The amount unpaid on the distribution

Sales tax

The unpaid sales tax on the amount due

Appears only if you selected Apply sales tax on the Billing tab in company preferences. Ajera automatically calculates this amount based on the sales tax rate you entered for the project or phase (in the Project Command Center > Project Info tab > Billing subtab).


If selected, the distribution is to be credited.


The amount of the distribution to credit

Sales tax

The sales tax on the amount of the distribution you are crediting

Appears only if you selected Apply sales tax on the Billing tab in company preferences. Ajera automatically calculates this amount based on the sales tax rate you entered for the project or phase (in the Project Command Center > Project Info tab > Billing subtab).


multi-company only

Field Description

Received from

The company issuing the payment

Receipt company

The company receiving payment

Receipt date

The date of the receipt


The method of payment, such as check or EFT


Optional identification number for the receipt, such as a check number or routing number


Optional identification for the receipt. It is the number that you write on the deposit slip for the receipt


The amount of the receipt


Any notes or comments about the receipt


The account to credit for the amount of the distribution


unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Departments add-on

The department to credit for the amount of the distribution

This field is available only if you use departments and the account you select has a type of Income, Billable Cost, Expense, or Other Income.


The amount of the receipt to pay



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