Quiz: Update the status of your BD effort

This is a multiple-choice quiz.

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  1. ClosedWhat does the status of a marketing stage do?

    A. Indicates if the stage can be billed.

    B. Indicates where you are at a specific point in the BD project.

    C. Indicates if the client will be slow to pay bills.

    D. All of the above.
  2. ClosedThe final disposition is which of the following?

    A. The result of any legal action regarding the contract.

    B. Only important if you win the work.

    C. The reason that you won, lost, or declined the project.

    D. The last time that you spoke with the potential client.
  3. ClosedWhich of the following is true?

    A. You cannot change dates on marketing stages.

    B. You never leave the status of the BD phase as Marketing, even if you win the project.

    C. It is always a good practice to begin your Business Development efforts with a quick nap.

    D. The Project Info > Business Development > Contacts tab is where you can list your contacts for the entire BD project.

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