Software Issues Resolved

Defect 1327869

Single Realm MScript Domain Setup Empties Domain Name Field on the Login Screen

When the MScript domain system is set up to use a single realm, the Domain Name field on the Login screen is not automatically filled in, and instead retains the default empty value. This error is corrected.

Defect 1325689

Error Message Displays When Reselecting a Job on the Find Job and Timesheet Screens

When you reselect a job in the Find Job screen after navigating back from the Add Job screen, a data integrity related error message displays. The same error appears when other actions are selected on the Timesheet screen. This error is corrected.

Defect 1325299

Canada Region or Language Setup Causes Incorrect Day Label on the Timesheet Line Screen

When you set up your device to use Canada as a region or a language, the day displayed on the Add Job or Timesheet Line edit screens is incorrect. Instead of displaying the current day, the screen displays the previous day. This error is corrected.

Defect 1325314

Screen View Scrolling Error Occurs When Using the Time Picker Selection on the Timesheet Registration Screen

When there are multiple registered timesheet lines on the Timesheet Registration screen, and you scroll down to select an entry at the bottom and submit values through the time picker, the screen view scrolls back to the top timesheet line. The scroll functionality works differently in REST and MScript Timesheet screens. This error is corrected in REST Touch.

The scroll functionality in REST Touch on the Timesheet screen works as follows:
  • When adding or updating timesheet lines, the screen view scrolls minimally but the recently added or edited line is on the top of the list.
  • When deleting or updating timesheet lines from a long list, and the line to be deleted or edited is in the middle of the list, the screen view scrolls minimally. The previously edited line is on the top of the list.

Defect 1329276

Arabic Language Setup Causes Login Error

Previously, when you set up your device to use Arabic language, you cannot log in successfully, and proceed to the Touch authentication screen. This error is corrected.

Defect 1332394

Error Displays When Saving Expense Sheet Lines Created Using Quick Capture

When expense sheet headers and lines are created using Quick Capture, an error message displays once an expense sheet line is saved by selecting a task with an activity enabling “Select Via Vendor”. This error is corrected.