Pre-Installation Information

Before you begin the installation of Deltek Touch for Maconomy, it is important to understand the information discussed in this section.

  • Deltek Touch can be run only on Maconomy X1 Service Pack 25 (or higher), Maconomy 2.0 Service Pack 3 (or higher), Maconomy 2.1.1 (or higher), Maconomy 2.2 (or higher), Maconomy 2.3 (or higher), or Maconomy 2.4 LA 1 (or higher).
    Note: We are considering to discontinue support of Maconomy X1 and 2.0 in the next Touch main release. Additional information will follow.
  • Deltek Touch supports mobile devices that run on Apple iOS 9.0 (or higher) and Android 5 (or higher).
    Note: Starting Touch 2.3, Deltek no longer provides updates to the Windows phone app. The current app in the store may continue to work but when the Touch server or Maconomy is upgraded the Windows app will cease to work. In addition, Deltek Touch 2.3 Web application is no longer supported in Internet Explorer, the only browsers supported are Safari and Chrome.
  • Deltek Touch supports applications from the Apple App Store and Google Play. If you are using an unsupported version of Maconomy (compatibility mode), you may be able to use the device native browser to enter your organization’s Deltek Touch URL. The default URL can be changed to something else by the administrator.
    Note: If you are running the browser version of the application on Safari, make sure that the Private Browsing mode is disabled for all iOS devices. For more information, see Deltek Knowledge Base #74415.
  • Deltek Touch is available in several languages (English, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese).
    Note: For more information about the installation requirements, see the Deltek Touch for Maconomy Technical Installation Guide.