Software Issues Resolved

Defect 1217142

Capability to Delete Check-in Information from Submitted Daily Timesheets

Previously, you can delete and modify check-in entries even after submitting your daily timesheets on the Timesheet screen. Deletions or modifications should not be possible after submission. This defect affected Workspace Client and REST Touch users. This error is corrected when you upgrade to Maconomy 2.5.3 (or higher).

Defect 1237982

Rejection Reason Appears on Approved Expenses

As an Approver, you are required to include an explanation for rejecting any filed requests. If you reject a request, reverse the rejection, and finally approve the request, the rejection reason should not display anywhere. However, when you approve previously rejected expenses, the expense sheet status changes to Approved but the rejection reason still appears on the submitter's side. This error is corrected when you upgrade to Maconomy 2.5.3 (or higher).

Defect 1256193

Loading Spinner Disappears When Attaching Receipts

Loading spinners are essential in determining the progress of an action you took within the application. For example, if you attach a receipt to your expense sheet and save your changes, a loading spinner displays to indicate the receipt is being uploaded to the Maconomy server and it should appear until the receipt is attached. Previously, when you attempt to attach a receipt, the loading spinner disappears and reappears in a matter of seconds without completing the action. If you repeatedly tap the Done button while waiting, you will also encounter an error that prohibits you from saving your changes. These errors are corrected.

Defect 1393413

Unable to Log in Using New Kerberos Setup

You can use the new Kerberos Single Sign-on (SSO) login module, and set up a multiple realm SSO in However, when you log on to Deltek Touch, error messages display and you cannot log in successfully. This defect affects Deltek Touch for Maconomy users who are using MScript or REST. This error is corrected.

Defect 1394864

Unable to Zoom in Attachments Horizontally

Previously, you can view attached images vertically to zoom in on the details but you cannot display the attachments horizontally on the Expense Sheet, Purchase Order, and Approvals screens. This defect affected Deltek Touch for Maconomy users on Android and iOS devices. This error is corrected.

Defect 1396875

Unable to View the Same Attachment Consecutively

Previously, you cannot view the same attachment in succession on the Expense Sheet, Purchase Order, and Approvals screens. For example, if you view the attachment of your first expense sheet line but return to the Expense Sheet screen, and try to tap the same attachment again, the attachment does not load properly. This defect affected Deltek Touch for Maconomy users on iOS devices. This error is corrected.

Defect 1403644

Unmodifiable Touch URL

When the Touch URL becomes invalid, previously you cannot return to the Touch URL screen to make modifications. This defect affected Deltek Touch for Maconomy users on Android and iOS devices. A new window now appears which prompts you to change the URL as needed. This error is corrected.

Defect 1414989

Missing Touch Icon on Login screens of iOS Devices

A new Touch icon was introduced in Touch 3.5 and was featured on the Login screen. When you upgrade to Touch 3.7 on an iOS device, an ellipsis displays instead of the Touch icon. This error is corrected.

Defect 1419062

Google Analytics Not Tracking Real Time Data

Previously, active screens are not tracked in real time on Google Analytics. The defect affected usage tracking on Deltek Touch 3.5 and higher. This error is corrected.

Defect 1428001

Okta Login Error on Android Devices

Previously, if your Deltek Touch login setup includes Okta credentials and a verification code is sent to your registered email, you also have to tap "Do not challenge me on this device for the next 7 days." on the application before completing your authentication. Otherwise, you cannot log in again. This defect affected Deltek Touch for Maconomy users on Android devices. This error is corrected.

Defect 1434316

Timesheet Actions on REST Calls MScript Function

When you save a timesheet line or submit a timesheet on a system using the RESTful web service, the "getNotificationOverview" MScript operation is performed. This defect affected Deltek Touch for Maconomy users on REST. This error is corrected.

Defect 1438631

Disabled Touch APM Logging for Multitenant Systems

Previously, Touch APM logging for IIS with multitenant systems is disabled, which caused entries requests not to be logged. This error is corrected.

Defect 1442639

Unable to Calculate Distance for Mileage Sheets

Distance is not calculated when you previously enter addresses in the From and To fields on your mileage sheet lines. This error is corrected.

Defect 1443403

No Missing Receipt Error Message in Archives

One of the Touch 3.7 enhancements is the modification of an error message on the Attach Receipt screen, which appears when you attempt to select a photo of your expense receipt from an empty Archives folder. The updated error message previously did not display on the screen. This error is corrected.

Defect 1460761

Touch Login Error on iOS 14.5

Previously, when you upgrade your iOS device to iOS 14.5, you cannot log in successfully in Touch. You can enter your credentials on the Login screen and tap the Login button, but you cannot proceed to your default Touch screen. This error is corrected.

Defect 739573

Missing Week Calendar Prevents Logging In on REST

If there is a missing week calendar and you try to log on the application, an error message displays. This defect affects Deltek Touch for Maconomy users who are using REST. This error is corrected.