Field Mapping

The table in this section shows field mappings between the Talent Management user and the Maconomy employee.

The general rule is that all fields below are copied from Talent Management to Maconomy when importing new hires. After that, all fields are copied from Maconomy to Talent Management when synchronizing the data. Refer to the Notes column for the exceptions.

Country and State mapping Steps are detailed in the Maconomy Setup section.

Note: Refer to Fields NOT Included in Synchronization for excluded fields.
Talent Management Field Maps to Maconomy Field Notes
User ID Talent Management User ID Entered upon employee creation.
Employee ID Employee No. The employee ID in Talent Management is assigned to the Employee Number of Maconomy.
First Name Formal First Name Only synchronized on import of new hires. Any later updates of this field are not synchronized.
Middle Name Formal Middle Name Only synchronized on import of new hires. Any later updates of this field are not synchronized.
Last Name Formal Last Name Only synchronized on import of new hires. Any later updates of this field are not synchronized.
First Name Preferred First Name After initial creation, updates to this field are synchronized to Talent Management.
Middle Name Preferred Middle Name After initial creation, updates to this field are synchronized to Talent Management.
Last Name Preferred Last Name After initial creation, updates to this field are synchronized to Talent Management.
SSN Soc. Security No. Always copied from Talent Management to Maconomy. Closed in Maconomy.

A Talent Management user can have many Social Security Nos. (SSN), such as a number per country. In Maconomy, an employee can have only one SSN. Therefore, the number is derived by employee’s country. For example, if an employee is in country A, then the SSN of country A is retrieved from Talent Management and copied to the Maconomy employee. If the Talent Management user does not have an SSN of country A, then SSN is left empty in Maconomy. Whenever a country is updated in Maconomy, the SSN is updated to correspond with the updated country.

E-mail Personal Email Address Upon importing new hires, E-mail is copied from Talent Management into the Maconomy Personal E-mail field. After this, the field cannot be empty.

When updates are propagated from Maconomy employee to Talent Management user, E-mail is updated as follows:

  • If E-mail contains data, it is copied to the Talent Management user.
  • If E-mail is empty, the Personal E-mail is copied to the Talent Management user.

    E-mail and Personal E-mail have validation against invalid addresses.

E-mail E-mail See Notes on Email.
Address One Name 2
Address Two Name 3
Address Three Name 4
City Postal District
Zip/Postal Code Zip Code
Country Country / Name5 See Maconomy Setup for details on mapping countries.
ST/PR Country / Name5 See Maconomy Setup for details on mapping countries.
Primary Phone Phone Copied from Talent Management to Maconomy upon new hire import. After that, any data synchronization copies the phone number from Maconomy to Talent Management. Maconomy copies the phone number to the primary phone.

If the primary phone does not exist, then Maconomy creates a primary phone in Talent Management. If a non-primary phone exists in Talent Management with the same number, then Maconomy sets this phone to primary.

Deleting a phone number in Maconomy employee deletes the primary phone from Talent Management.

Hire Date Date Employed This field is populated from Talent and copied to Maconomy. The field can be empty in Talent. The field can be empty in Maconomy but the empty value is not sent back to Talent.

If updated in Maconomy, the value is sent back to Talent as "Original Date of Hire".

Date of Birth Date of Birth

This field is populated from Talent and copied to Maconomy. The field can be empty in Talent. The field cannot be empty in Maconomy if the employee is linked to a Talent user.

Job Title Position Always copied from Talent Management to Maconomy. Closed in Maconomy.
Manager Supervisor, No. The manager user must be linked to a Maconomy employee to map this field.
Separation Date Termination Date Always copied from Talent Management to Maconomy. Closed in Maconomy.
Last Working Day Time Sheet End Date Always copied from Talent Management to Maconomy. Closed in Maconomy.
Organization Unit Company No.

Entity dimension (executing department)

The integration supports two ways of managing organizational affiliation:
  • The Maconomy company number can be derived from the Company Number field on the onboarding form in Talent Management. Subsequent changes in Talent or in Maconomy are not synchronized.
  • The Maconomy company number, and entity are derived from the Talent Management user, and applied to the Maconomy employee. Subsequent updates are completed in Maconomy, and are pushed to the Talent Management user.

    See more details below.

Maconomy Company No. Company No. Never copied from Maconomy to Talent Management.
Warning: User Org Level and Maconomy Company No. Fields Warning

If the integration has been configured to use the company number from the onboarding form in Talent Management to derive the Maconomy company number, the company of the Maconomy employee obtains the company number from the onboarding form.

If a company number has not been specified on the onboarding form, the Talent Management user is not created as an employee in Maconomy.

The Company Number field is closed in Maconomy but can be opened in the layout to support HR updating this field in Maconomy.

Changes you apply in Maconomy or in Talent Management are not synchronized.

See the setup sections below to configure the integration to use the company number from the onboarding form.

If the integration has been configured to utilize the Talent Management user to obtain the organizational unit, the Organizational Unit field is used to indicate the corresponding Maconomy company number, and department.

The list of organizational units is pushed from Maconomy to Talent Management.

When the employee is imported into Maconomy, the company number and executing department of the employee is derived from the Talent Management user. If there is no organizational unit specified, the Maconomy employee obtains the default company and executing department.

Changes you apply to the Maconomy employee organizational affiliation, such as the company and executing department, are managed in Maconomy and pushed to Talent Management.

See the setup sections below to configure the integration to use the reporting structure in Maconomy to represent organizational hierarchy.