Progress Control: Evaluating Progress and ETC

Actual costs spent on a project are important to a PM.

Assessing the estimated time to completion enables you to proactively adjust the plans before it is too late.

The Maconomy solution provides two ways of handling this, depending on the complexity of the solution that you choose to apply. Our experience has shown us that even though most PSOs know that this is the right way to manage a project, getting PMs to proactively look at ETC is an issue.

If you use the Maconomy Project Staffing solution (People Planner) and ensure that PMs update the resource plans on an ongoing basis, the remaining resource plans reflect your latest and greatest estimate on ETC.

The alternative is to ask monthly that PMs update the Estimate to Complete (for example) as part of a project control procedure, based on employees’ entries in the time sheet. The following sections describe both methods.