Maconomy Integration Setup

This section provides information on setting up Maconomy integration with CRM.


When the background task creates jobs or customers in Maconomy, job or customer records are populated with information from Deltek CRM. Some of this information must be available in the Maconomy database for the record to be created successfully. The background tasks include an automatic synchronization of Employee, Job Template, select Dimensions, and Company data from Maconomy to Deltek CRM. You must maintain other standing data manually. You must synchronize the following tables in Deltek CRM manually with the corresponding data in Maconomy:

  • Users
  • Currencies
  • Countries

    In addition:

  • An opportunity in Deltek CRM is always linked to a company/customer, to an organization (Maconomy company), and to a project manager. Dimensions that are mandatory on the job in Maconomy must have values on the opportunity or be derived from the template job.
  • Template customers are used for customer creation in Maconomy.
  • It is highly recommended to use approval workflows for customer and job creation in Maconomy.