Keys to Success

The method described in the previous two topics illustrates a way of managing more complex projects and projects that have a long “production cycle.”

In particular, the Management workflow is extremely useful for fixed-price projects that have a larger contract value, where you want to compare project progress to the baseline.

In many cases, a company also performs a lot of small day-to-day assignments, such as a daily consulting task or a small time and material job that you want to process quickly without setting up work breakdown structures, detailed budgets, and project plans.

With the solution comes a simple work order management solution that, in a simplified way enables you to process all of these small jobs as efficiently as possible.

Unlike the workflow for bigger projects, the approach for small jobs is to be able to create the work order, make a simple budget, assign the work order to the person who is going to perform the work, and potentially send the invoice off immediately.

For some work orders you might not be able to invoice the client up front, waiting until the job has been completed and hours and costs have been entered. The work order module allows you to use either approach.