Keys to Success

Many Controllers spend a lot of time gathering information for management and others to ensure that they have the right information at hand.

This often results in a package of reports whose recipients do not always know their significance, and as a result, they do not see the full value of the data in the report. Sometimes it is –extremely difficult to extract the correct data from disparate solutions.

The following table provides recommendations for providing your organization and its users with the correct information.

Area What To Do
  1. Define the right KPI framework
Make sure that you define a KPI framework that is aligned with the strategic objectives of the company.
  1. Apply this KPI framework to your registration model
Make sure to implement a business information model that supports your KPIs, and make sure that your ERP solution gives you the ability to reach the data behind these KPIs.
  1. Reflect the KPI framework in peoples’ performance matrix
Implement a framework where people’s performance is measured on the KPIs, and make sure that they have the ability to reach their goals. This increases the focus on the objectives and the reports themselves.
  1. Apply a role-based reporting package
Implement a reporting package that is targeted at the different roles in your company, so that employees in each role get the information that they need—nothing more, nothing less.

The Core Business Model for Financial Transparency topic presented the foundation in terms of providing the right entry model—that is, ensuring that you define the right dimensions, right revenue recognition principles, and so forth.

This topic focuses on how we have approached step 4, by delivering a role-based reporting package, which meets the needs of the different roles in your company.