Customer Creation

The following information from the firm in Deltek CRM is used to create the customer in Maconomy.

Deltek CRM Field Maconomy Field Notes
Customer No. (Customer.CustomerNumber) This comes from a Maconomy number series or is equal to the Deltek CRM company ID (depending on a system parameter in Maconomy).
Company No./Company ID (CL.Client) Deltek CRM Customer ID (Customer.CRMCustomerID) This is the company/customer ID from Deltek CRM.
Company Instance Key (CL.ClientID) Deltek CRM Customer Key (Customer.CRMCustomerKey) This is the company/customer instance key from Deltek CRM.
Customer Name (CL.Name) Name 1 (Customer.Name1)
Primary Address (CLAddress.Address1) Name 2 (Customer.Name 2)
Primary Address (CLAddress.Address2) Name 3 (Customer.Name 3)
Primary Address (CLAddress.Address3) Name 4 (Customer.Name 4)
City (CLAddress.City) City (Customer.PostalDistrict)
Zip (CLAddress.Zip) Zip Code (Customer.ZipCode)
State (CLAddress.State) Depending on setup (Country or Name5) Configuration option
Country (CLAddress.Country) Depending on setup (Country or Name5) Configuration option
Phone (CLAddress.Phone) Phone (Customer.Telephone)
Account Manager (UD employee number lookup: ClientCustomTabFields.custAccountManager) Account Manager (Customer.AccountManagerNumber)
Custom Currency Code Currency