CPA Solution

This document describes the Deltek Maconomy solution for Public Accounting firms (CPA Solution) released with Maconomy.

This solution forms the basis for Public Accounting Firm implementations in the United States and can be leveraged as an initial starting point for other client-centric implementations throughout other verticals and/or locations.

The CPA solution can be deployed in one of three ways: hosted by the customer (On-Premises), a Deltek-hosted cloud (Flex Plus), or the Deltek First Essentials multi-tenant cloud (DFME). While the standard product and packaging are identical, there are several options for expanding your Maconomy solution when working with an on-premises and Flex Plus installation; meanwhile, when working in the Deltek cloud there are certain limitations as to what configurations, extensions, and integrations are available to your organization. In this document, the DFME limitations are clearly indicated by identifying certain features and options as On-Premises Onlyand Flex Plus Only, thus giving you a clear indication of your capabilities when choosing from the three deployment methods.