The PSO solution is delivered with a number of standard template reports available through Maconomy Business Performance Management (BPM).

With Maconomy, more than 60 standard BPM reports are available within Finance Reporting, Project Reporting, Employee Reporting, CRM Reporting, Customer Reporting, Vendor Reporting, and Bank Reporting.

The reports offer the following functionality:

  • Drill-down functionality. The reports allow you to drill down from a high level (for example, from company) to a lower level (for example, entry level).
  • You can print all reports or save them as PDFs.
  • All reports are web-based and can be run embedded in the Workspace Client, taking advantage of single sign-on or silent sign-in for seamless access.
  • All reports run in real time against the database.
  • Maconomy’s reporting solution is based on Business Objects.