Select Employee Timesheet Dialog Box

Use the Select Employee Timesheet dialog box to view and change the status of timesheets, edit timesheets, and approve timesheets.

This dialog box lists employees for whom you have timesheet editing or approval rights, along with the current status of each employee's timesheet for the selected labor period. You can select the labor period, employee groups, and timesheet status types that you want to display in the grid.

Sort Information

You can sort information on the Select Employee Timesheet dialog box by employee number or name, employee group, timesheet status, or editing and approval rights. To sort information, click a column heading in the grid. For example, to sort by employee name, click the Employee Name column heading.

You can sort information in ascending or descending order. Click a column heading to establish a sort order. Click the column heading again to reverse the sort order. Vision does not save your sort selection when you close the dialog box.


To display the dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Vision Navigation menu, click Time and Expense > Timesheet.
  2. Click Employees on the Timesheet toolbar.



Field Description
Labor Period Ending

This field displays the end date of the timesheet period you currently have selected. Use the drop-down list in this field to select a different timesheet period.

The entries that you make in the Labor Period Ending and Group fields, along with the options that you select under Status Totals, determine which employee timesheets display on the Select Employee Timesheet dialog box. Vision automatically updates these items when you change your timesheet period, group, or status selections.

Week Number/Timesheet Period Number

If timesheet period numbers are enabled for the active company, this field displays the period number for the currently selected timesheet period. If the company has weekly timesheets, the field label is Week Number. If the company has a timesheet period other than weekly, the field label is Timesheet Period Number.

If timesheet period numbers are not enabled, this field is not displayed.


Use the Group drop-down list to select the employee group whose timesheets you want to display on the Select Employee Timesheet dialog box.

Only those groups to which you have access appear in the drop-down list. To view employee timesheets for all groups to which you have access, select [All Group].

The entries that you make in Labor Period Ending and Group, along with the options that you select under Status Totals, determine which employee timesheets display on the Select Employee Timesheet dialog box. Vision automatically updates these items when you change your timesheet period, group, or status selections.

If you use the Multicompany feature, only those groups to which you have access, in the active company, appear in the Group drop-down list.

Employee Grid

Field Description

This field displays the employee number.

Click in this field to send the employee an instant message or email message.

Employee Name This field displays the employee name.
Group This field displays the name of the group to which the employee is assigned.
Status This field displays the status of the employee's timesheet for the selected timesheet period: Missing, In Progress, Submitted, Approved, or Posted.
Edit This field indicates whether or not you have security rights to edit the employee's timesheet.
Active Employees Only

By default, both active and inactive employees display in the grid on the Select Employee Timesheet dialog box. Select this option to display only active employees in the grid. Your selection is "remembered" by Vision and becomes the default the next time the dialog box is opened.

If you select this option and then change the Labor Period Ending date, Vision automatically clears the option. You must select the option again to display only active employees for the new timesheet period.

Include Terminated Employees Select this option to display terminated employees in the grid on the Select Employee Timesheet dialog box. You can view and print timesheets for terminated employees, but you cannot modify them.

This field indicates whether or not you have security rights to approve the employee's timesheet.

This field displays only if your system administrator selects Require timesheets to be approved before posting on the Setup tab of Company Timesheet Configuration.

Status Totals

This section displays a breakdown of employee timesheets by status: Missing, In Progress, Submitted, Approved, or Posted.

The number in the field to the right of each Status value indicates how many timesheets of that status exist for the timesheet period and employee groups displayed on the Select Employee Timesheets dialog box. The total number of timesheets of all status types displays in the Total field.

The Approved field displays only if your system administrator selects Require timesheets to be approved before posting on the Setup tab of Company Timesheet Configuration.

You can use the Status Totals section to control which timesheets display on the Select Employee Timesheet form. When you open the dialog box, all the Status Totals options are selected. To narrow the display, clear one (or more) of the Status Totals options.

The entries that you make in the Labor Period Ending and Group fields, along with the options that you select under Status Totals, determine which employee timesheets display on the Select Employee Timesheet dialog box. Vision automatically updates these items when you change your timesheet period, group, or status selections.

Grid Options

Field Description
Drop-Down Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:
  • To print grid data, click Print. When the Print Preview form displays, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into this field, in the sequence that you want them to display.

Not all options are available on all grids.

Save Click this option to save any status changes you made.
Refresh Status Click this option after you change the status of an employee timesheet to update the status of the selected timesheet.
Status Report Click this option to view the Timesheet Status Report. This report includes all the employee timesheet information displayed on the Select Employee Timesheet dialog box.
Timesheet Detail Select one or more employees on the Select Employee Timesheet dialog box and then click this option to view a Detailed Timesheet report for the selected employees. This report displays all information entered on the employees' timesheets.

No revision audit information is included on the report when it is generated from this dialog box. You can use the Timesheet Audit Detail report (Reporting > Employee > Timesheet Audit Detail), a similar report, to display revision information for multiple employees and multiple timesheet periods.

Timesheet Summary Select one or more employees from the grid on the Select Employee Timesheet dialog box and then click this option to view a Summarized Timesheet report for the selected employees. This report is a more compact version of the Detailed Timesheet report.

No revision audit information is included on the report when it is generated from this dialog box. You can use the summarized format of the Timesheet Audit Detail report (Reporting > Employee > Timesheet Audit Detail), a similar report, to display revision information for multiple employees and multiple timesheet periods.

Select Click the row that contains the employee timesheet you want to approve and then click Select. Vision opens the selected employee's timesheet for the timesheet period indicated in the Labor Period Ending field on the Select Employee Timesheet dialog box.
Select All Click this option to select and open all timesheets currently displayed on the Select Employee Timesheet dialog box.
Close Click this button to exit the Select Employee Timesheet dialog box and clear any unsaved status changes.
Help Click this icon to view online help for the Select Employee Timesheet dialog box.