Change the Capacity Values Displayed in the Grid
In the calendar period columns in the Resource View grid, you can display planned hours, scheduled hours or percentage, or utilization hours or percentage.
To change the capacity values displayed in the grid:
- In the Navigation pane, select .
next to Show on the top Resource View toolbar to select the type of values you want to display in the calendar period columns: all planned hours, scheduled hours/percentage, or utilization hours/percentage. When you select scheduled or utilization options, the cell background color indicates the scheduled or utilized status of the resource: gray (proper), blue (under), or red (over). Any calendar cells that are not included in the summary total have the opacity of their font color reduced by 50% to make it clear they are not included in the calculation.
On the menu, click one of the following to select the capacity values you want to display in the calendar period columns:
- All Planned Hours: At the resource summary level for the selected forecast range, this is the sum of all planned hours on all projects regardless of the capacity calculation set on the project.
For Scheduled Projects: Choose from the following three options for projects where the capacity calculation on the project is set to be included in scheduled. Scheduled hours are planned hours for overhead projects, promotional projects, regular won projects, and any in-pursuit projects that meet the criteria for inclusion in the percentage calculation that are specified on the Plan Settings form (). The cell background color on the grid indicates the scheduled status: gray (properly scheduled), blue (under-scheduled), or red (over-scheduled).- Scheduled Hours:At the resource summary level for the selected forecast range, this is the sum of all planned hours on projects with the capacity calculation that is included in scheduled.
- Scheduled %: At the resource summary level for the selected forecast range, this is the sum of the scheduled hours divided by working hours times 100.
- Scheduled Hours / %: For employees, this option shows both the scheduled hours and the scheduled %. For generic resources, this option shows the scheduled hours and the scheduled % is empty.
For Utilization Projects: Choose from the following three options for projects where the capacity calculation on the project is set to included in utilization. These are typically considered billable projects and automatically include all regular won projects and any in-pursuit projects that meet the criteria for inclusion in the percentage calculation that are specified on the Plan Settings form (). The cell background color on the grid indicates the utilization status: gray (properly utilized), blue (under-utilized), or red (over-utilized).- Utilization Hours: At the resource summary level for the selected forecast range, this is the sum of planned hours on regular/billable projects with the capacity calculation that is included in utilization.
- Utilization %: At the resource summary level for the selected forecast range, this is the sum of utilization hours divided by working hours times 100.
- Utilization Hours / %: For employees, this option shows both the utilization hours and utilization %. For generic resources, this option shows the utilization hours and the utilization % is empty.
Generic resources do not have utilization percentages or scheduled percentages, so no values display for those resources if you select Scheduled % or Utilization %.
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