Sample Prompts

Review sample prompts to learn how to converse with Ask Dela effectively.


Request Sample prompt
Profit Inquiry What is the profit amount for Project X?
Role Inquiry Who is the PM for Albany High School Expansion?


Request Sample prompt
Activity Status What is the most recent activity for Alice Smith?

What were my activities for the last 30 days?

In the last 30 days, did I have a phone call with Jesse Chen?

What is the utilization target for Maria Alvarez?

Project Participation List the projects that Will James has worked on and include his role on the projects if available.


Request Sample command
Project Status Email Draft a project status email to the project manager of project Children's Hospital and include relevant financial metrics on the project's performance and include areas of concern.
AR Email Draft an email to Company X regarding their current accounts receivable balance. Make the email sensitive but professional. Do not include any threatening language regarding collections or non-payment.