Opting In to the Create RFQ Only Feature

When you opt in to the feature, you can create standalone RFQ-only records within the Purchase Requisitions application.

Opting In to the Feature

You can choose to opt in to this feature for the Vantagepoint 7.0 release. The ability to opt in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all Vantagepoint users in a future release. For more information, see Opt-In Feature Overview.

To create standalone RFQ records within Purchase Requisitions in the browser application, navigate to Settings > General > Opt-In and enable Create Request for Quote Only. When you enable this feature, your database is permanently converted to support the feature and that action cannot be undone. Before you move RFQ records to the browser application, make sure that you have approved all pending requests before the records are carried over to the browser application as legacy price quote records.

To create RFQ-only requisition records, navigate to Purchasing > Purchase Requisitions and then, on the General tab, select the Create RFQs Only checkbox. Selecting this option does not change the item inventory counts in Purchasing > Item Review. You can filter RFQ-only requisitions from other purchase requisitions on forms and reports.

Request for Price Quote No Longer Available in the Desktop Application

When you opt in to create Request for Price Quote records in Purchasing > Purchase Requisitions in the browser application, Purchasing > Request for Price Quote is no longer available in the desktop application. You can still access and reference any data associated with legacy requisitions through Reporting.

With the removal of the Request for Price Quote application from the desktop application, the following related settings that control elements in that application were removed from the following sections of the form in Settings > Purchasing & Inventory > Company:
  • Required Data: Cost Distribution in P.O./R.F.Q. checkbox and Requisition/RFQ Number in P.O./R.F.Q. checkbox
  • Approval: Use Approval Workflow for RFQs checkbox and drop-down menu
  • Next Numbers: Price Quote Request Number text box

New Categories for Record Types

The following record type categories are now available:

  • Requisition: These are purchase requisition records created in the browser application.

  • RFQ Only: These are request for price quote-only records, created when you select the Create RFQ Only checkbox on the General tab of the Purchase Requisitions form in the browser application.
  • Legacy Requisitions: Also referred to as Legacy RFQs, these are price quote records that you originally created in Purchasing > Request for Price Quote in the desktop application and have transferred to the browser application.

Related User Interface Changes

When you opt in to the Create Request for Quote Only feature, the following user interface updates occur:

  • Purchase Requisitions Form Updates

    The Create RFQs Only checkbox is available on the General tab of the Purchase Requisitions form in Purchasing > Purchase Requisitions. Use this option to define purchase requisition records as requests for price quotes (RFQs) only.

  • Purchase Orders > Create From Updates

    When you create a purchase order in Purchasing > Purchase Orders, two new options are available on the form: From Requisition and From Legacy Price Quote. When you create a purchase order from a requisition, you can filter to select from requisitions that are marked as "Create RFQ Only." These options follow the new categories for record types.

  • Reporting Updates in My Stuff > Reporting

    To create reports based on legacy price quote records, use the Request for Price Quote Status - Legacy report (formerly called the Request for Price Quote Status report).

    To filter RFQ Only and legacy requisitions on the Request for Price Quote Form report and the Purchase Requisition and Price Quote report, use the filtering options for those reports.

  • Project Review Form Updates

    On the Purchasing tab of the Project Review form in Hubs > Projects > Project Review, in the Purchase Requisitions grid, use the RFQ Only column and indicator checkboxes to filter. You can also use the grid options to filter RFQ-Only records.

  • Item Review Form Updates

    On the Item Review Form, in the Purchase Requisitions grid, use the Type column to display the record type of associated records: Legacy Requisition, Requisition, or RFQ Only.

  • Approvals Updates

    In Settings > Workflow > Approval Workflows, when you define a condition for an approval workflow, select POPR.RFQ Only to set approval conditions to include RFQ-only records.

    You can no longer approve legacy requests for price quotes in the desktop application.