Preview Reports (Desktop)

After you generate a report, you can preview it onscreen to make sure it contains the data you need in the format that you want. If necessary, you can change the report options and preview it again before you print or download it.

This topic describes Reporting options and procedures for the Vantagepoint desktop application. If you use the Vantagepoint browser application, see the topics under Reporting.

When you preview a report, you can use the document map to locate and jump to a specific section of the report. The document map is an outline of the structure of the report, based on the sorting and grouping criteria you set up for the report. The document map contains a link for each sorting and grouping value. When you click a link in the map, Vantagepoint displays that portion of the report in the Preview window. For example, if you sort and group data on a report by project number and phase number, the document map contains a link for each project number at the top level of the map hierarchy and a link for each phase within each project at the next level of the hierarchy. The document map is not available if you change the display in the Preview window to page layout mode.

When you preview a favorite, you can resize or move the Preview window on your screen. If you want Vantagepoint to remember these settings for future reporting sessions, select Remember window sizes and positions for Vantagepoint screens and reports on the Startup tab of the My Preferences dialog box.