Purchasing Reports

Use the purchasing reports in Vantagepoint Reporting desktop and browser applications to present and monitor purchasing data. You can review open purchase orders, requisitions, and items that are included on vouchers, as well as check the status of purchase requisitions, or requests for price quotes.

This topic describes Reporting options and procedures for the Vantagepoint desktop application. If you use the Vantagepoint browser application, see the topics under Reporting.

The data included on the Purchase reports comes from these applications:

  • Purchase Orders
  • Purchase Requisitions
  • Request for Price Quote

Your selections on the Purchasing & Inventory Settings forms (Settings > Purchasing & Inventory) also affect the report options and report contents.

Browser/Desktop Application Access

You can work with purchasing reports in either the Vantagepoint Reporting desktop application or the browser application. Use the Enable Selected Purchasing Applications in the Web Application option in Settings > General > Modules to toggle between the Reporting desktop and browser applications.

For more detailed information, see Approval Process for Purchasing Applications in the and Contents of the Module Form.

The following purchasing reports are available in both the Vantagepoint Reporting desktop and browser applications:
  • Open Purchase Orders
  • Blanket Purchase Orders
  • Items by Vendor
  • Purchase Order Form
  • Purchase Order Detail
  • Purchase Order Status
  • Purchase Order Cost Distribution Detail
  • Purchase Requisition Form
  • Purchase Requisition Status
  • Purchase Requisition and Price Quote
  • Received Purchase Order Items
  • Request for Price Quote Form
  • Request for Price Quote Status
  • Vouchered Purchase Order Items

Purchasing Reports in the Reporting Desktop Application

The following approval record type continue to display in Accounting > Approvals Review in the desktop application:
  • Item Requests
  • Request for Price Quotes

For more information on how records relating to the Purchasing application displays, see Purchase Orders and Purchase Requisitions.

For more information about purchasing reports in the browser application, see Purchasing Reports Overview.