Cost Tab of the Project Review Form

Use this tab to compare budget amounts to actuals. Your setting in the Budget Source field on this tab determines whether Vantagepoint draws budget data from the project budget worksheet in the Accounting application or from the project plan in the Projects hub.


For any field with a blue, underlined amount, click the amount to open the corresponding dialog box of supporting detail. On the supporting detail dialog box you can also click any blue, underlined amount to see another level of detailed data on a second drill-down dialog box.

Field Description
Principal This field displays the employee at your enterprise who is identified as the project's principal. You can drill down on this employee name to display the employee's record. You specify the principal assigned to the project on the Overview tab of the Projects form in the Projects hub.
Project Manager This field displays the employee at your enterprise who is serving as the project manager for the project. You can drill down on this employee name to display the employee's record in the Employees hub. You specify the project manager assigned to the project on the Overview tab of the Projects form in the Projects hub.
Supervisor This field displays the employee at your enterprise who is serving as the supervisor for the project. You can drill down on this employee name to display the employee's record in the Employees hub. You specify the supervisor assigned to the project on the Overview tab of the Projects form in the Projects hub.
Budget Source If your enterprise uses the Resource Planning module, you can select either of the following as the source of budgeted amounts:
  • The budget worksheet in the Accounting application (Budget Worksheet option).
  • The project plan in the Projects hub.

You select the budget source on the Options dialog box. The budget source impacts the fields that display on the Cost tab. Refer to each field description for details.

Currency If your enterprise uses multiple currencies, this field displays the project currency.

When the Enable Reporting at Burdened Rates option is selected in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options, labor and overhead are combined and the overhead is estimated using the same calculation that is used when reporting at cost and overhead allocation needs to be run.

Fee Analysis at Cost Rates


The columns in this section provide an overview of the contract/fee, planned, and profit/loss) amounts for your plan. The columns that display depend on the project's budget source, your access rights to cost rates, and the project's charge type: regular, overhead, or promotional).

Field Description
Contract/Fee These fields display the user-entered compensation or fee amount. When you update or change the amount, the planned and profit/loss amounts automatically recalculate.
Plan/Budget These fields display the planned amount at cost, which is pulled from different areas.
Profit/(Loss) These fields display the difference between the contract and planned amount.


The rows of fields display the contract amounts, planned amounts, and profit/loss for the following categories:

Field Description
Compensation This is the sum of all labor and direct expense amounts, which is added to the direct consultant amount. Any overhead or contingency percentages that are entered are factored into these amounts.
Direct Consultants This is the direct consultant fees that your company expects to receive for the project. This does not include reimbursable consultant amounts.
Reimbursable Allowance This is the sum of reimbursable consultant and reimbursable expense amounts.
Total This is the total of all compensation, direct consultant, and reimbursable allowance amounts.

These amounts are pulled from different areas.

Planning Analysis at Cost


The columns in this section provide an overview of the actual, estimate-to-complete (ETC), and estimate-at-completion (EAC) amounts for your plan. The columns that display depend on the project's budget source, the use of burden rates, your access rights to cost rates, and the project's charge type: regular, overhead, or promotional).

Field Description
Actual These fields display the actual amounts, which are pulled from different areas.
ETC Starting <date> These fields display the ETC amounts as of the date displayed. ETC labor amounts are the sum of the planned amounts from the day after the displayed date forward. ETC expense and consultant amounts are the planned amounts less the job-to-date (JTD) actual amounts through the displayed date.
Estimate-at-Completion These fields display the EAC amounts: sum of the JTD actual amounts and ETC amounts as of the displayed date.


You can read down each row to view the amounts for the following categories:

Field Description
Compensation These rows display the actual, ETC, and EAC amounts for labor and direct expenses.
Direct Consultants This row displays the actual, ETC, and EAC amounts for direct consultants. This does not include reimbursable consultant amounts.
Reimbursable Allowance These rows display the actual, ETC, and EAC amounts for reimbursable consultants and reimbursable expenses.
Total This row displays totals for the preceding rows.

Job-to-Date Actual

Field Description
Planned Mult This field displays the planned multiplier for cost, which helps you evaluate how much revenue a plan will return per unit of labor cost. The multiplier is calculated in this way:

Planned Total Compensation - (Planned Direct and Reimbursable Expenses) / Planned Labor Cost

Effective Mult This field displays the effective multiplier for cost, calculated in this way:

Net Revenue = Revenue / (Direct Expenses + Reimbursable Expenses)

Effective Multiplier = Net Revenue / Direct Labor

Earned Revenue This field displays the amount of earned revenue, which is the actual job-to-date revenue that is associated with the current period.
Actual Cost This field displays the actual job-to-date amount that was spent at cost that is associated with the period. This field does not display if you do not have access to cost rates in Security.
Actual Profit $ This field displays the actual profit amount, calculated in this way:

Earned Revenue - Actual Cost

This field does not display if the project's charge type is overhead or promotional.

Profit % This field displays the profit percent, calculated in this way:
Total Profit / Total Earned.

This field does not display if the project charge type is overhead or promotional.

% Complete This field displays the percentage of the project that is complete.
% Expended Hour This field displays the percent expended hours, calculated in this way:

Total Actual Hours / Total Planned Hours

% Expended $ This field displays the percent expended amount, calculated in this way:

Total Actual Hours / Total Planned Dollars