Accounting Administrator and CRM Role Types

When you set up security roles, you identify a role as belonging to one or more of these main categories: Setup, Accounting, Administrator, or CRM.

Set up each security role in Settings > Security > Roles.

Accounting User

This option is available when you have the Accounting module. An Accounting user can approve projects, vendor firms, and employees for use in Accounting applications. When a record is approved for use in processing, it can be used in transactions such as timesheets or AP vouchers.

If this checkbox is cleared, users with this role who have Add rights can add new projects, firms, and employees, but cannot approve those records for use in accounting applications.

The administrator can designate certain hub fields as Required for an Accounting user. (You cannot save a hub record if required fields are empty.)

CRM User

This option is available when both the Accounting and CRM modules are enabled. It gives users access to employee, project, and firm records marked as Available to CRM users. If the user is not also marked as an Accounting user, they can enter new records according to their record security without completing fields required for accounting users. CRM users cannot approve records for use in Accounting applications. The Administrator may designate certain hub fields as required for a CRM user. (You cannot save a hub record if required fields are empty.)

Administrator User

Select this option to give the role administrative privileges for the following:

  • Dashboard: The Administrator can save the dashboard layout for other users.
  • Process Queues: The Administrator can stop and start process queues and see jobs submitted by other users in the process queue manager.
  • Lookups: The Administrator can access all records in lookup lists (even if they are not available to CRM and/or Accounting users).
  • Hubs: The Administrator can customize hub labels.
  • Login: The Administrator can log in even if all users are disabled in the User Activity application.


A marketing user whose role type is CRM sets up a new project called XYZ. After a period of time, the XYZ project progresses to the point where it is necessary to enter accounting information for the project. For this project, the CRM user sets the Available to option to Accounting Users on the Overview tab of the Projects hub record.

A person in the accounting department, whose role type is Accounting, now sees the XYZ project in their list of projects. On the Accounting tab of the Projects hub, this user modifies the record for project XYZ by entering relevant accounting information and selecting theApproved for Use in Processing option. (This option is not available to a CRM user.) Now the project is available for use on timesheets and for accounting purposes.