Checklist: Processing Billing Invoices

Use this checklist to review the general steps for creating billing invoices.

Most enterprises follow the same or a similar process each month to gather billing related information and generate bills. Your enterprise may require additional steps or different steps than this standard process.

Step Description Location in Vantagepoint
1 Enter and post timesheets, labor adjustments, and any expenses.
  • My Stuff > Timesheet
  • My Stuff > Expense Report
  • Transaction Center > Transaction Entry
2 Run the Missing Billing Terms List report. My Stuff > Reporting > Billing > Missing Billing Terms List

Hubs > Projects > Billing Terms: Click Other Actions > Print on the Actions bar.

3 Establish billing terms for any project that you want to bill that appears on the Missing Billing Terms List report. Hubs > Projects > Billing Terms
4 Review the Unbilled Detail and Aging report and project reports. My Stuff > Reporting > Billing > Unbilled Detail and Aging

My Stuff > Reporting > Project

5 Run draft bills or pre-bills through Batch Billing. Billing > Batch Billing
6 Project manager reviews reports and draft invoices. N/A
7 Update fee terms for fee jobs.
  • Billing > Batch Billing: Click Other Actions > Update Fees on the Actions bar.
  • Billing > Interactive Billing: Click the Fees tab.
8 Transfer, hold, view, bill, write off, modify, or insert data for the project. Billing > Interactive Billing: Click the Labor, Expenses, and Units tabs
9 If you use the Invoice Approval feature, approve or reject invoices.
  • Billing > Interactive Billing
  • Billing > Invoice Approvals
  • Hubs > Projects > Draft Invoice Approvals
10 Process and accept final invoices.
  • Billing > Interactive Billing
  • Billing > Batch Billing
11 Review the Invoice Transaction List. Reviewing transaction information prior to posting significantly reduces the chances of posting inaccurate data. Transaction Center > Transaction Entry > Invoices: Click Print on the Actions bar.
12 Post the invoice file created. Transaction Center > Transaction Entry > Invoices
13 Print or email final invoices to clients.
  • Billing > Interactive Billing
  • Billing > Batch Billing
14 Reprint, preview, or email invoices at a future date.
  • Hubs > Projects > Invoices
  • Hubs > Projects > Draft Invoice Approvals
  • Hubs > Firms > AR Review
  • Billing > Interactive Billing
  • Billing > Batch Billing
  • Utilities > Files Administration in the desktop application.