Entering Comments for Draft Billing Invoices

You can add comments for draft billing invoices as they go through an approval process.

This topic applies if you have invoice approvals turned on in Settings > Billing > Options and approvals are turned on for a project (in its billing terms, in the Projects hub).

Comments You Enter on the Draft Invoice Comments Dialog Box

Whether or not you set the Use Markup on Draft Invoices option to Yes in Settings > Billing > Options, you can enter comments on the Draft Invoice Comments dialog box that opens when you click the Submit, Approve, or Reject actions in Interactive Billing, Batch Billing, or Invoice Approvals (in the Billing application), or in Draft Invoice Approvals (in the Projects hub). On the dialog box, you also see and can edit the comments entered for previous actions.

You can open the Draft Invoice Comments dialog box at any time to view, edit, or enter comments (when you aren't submitting, approving, or rejecting invoices) by doing the following:

  • In Interactive Billing or Draft Invoice Approvals, in the Draft Invoice Information section of the General tab, click the More link in the Draft Invoice Comments field.
  • In Invoice Approvals, select an invoice in the grid on the Invoice Approvals form and then click Comments on the grid actions bar or click the link in the Comments field in the grid.

When You Use Markup on Draft Billing Invoices

In addition to adding comments for approval actions on the Draft Invoice Comments dialog box, when you set Use Markup on Draft Invoices to Yes in Settings > Billing > Options, a Draft Preview tab displays in Interactive Billing and Draft Invoice Approvals. The tab displays the draft invoice as a PDF file, so that you can directly mark up the invoice with annotations and comments. Approvers can mark up the invoice to let a biller know specific changes to make to the invoice before the biller accepts and sends the invoice to the client. Approvers can also annotate and mark up any supporting documents or the Billing Backup report if it is included in the PDF file. The biller can reply to approvers' comments or mark the approvers' comments as applied for the final invoice.

In Interactive Billing when you download, edit, and upload an invoice back into Vantagepoint, if you upload it as a PDF file, it displays on the Draft Invoice Approvals tab in Interactive Billing and Draft Invoice Approvals for marking up with annotations and comments. If you upload it as file type other than PDF, it displays on the Invoice Preview tab in Draft Invoice Approvals, not the Draft Preview tab, and you cannot directly mark it up. Instead, you enter comments in a separate Draft Invoice Comments pane on the tab.

You may want to enter draft invoice comments on the Draft Invoice Comments dialog box, instead of marking up the draft invoice PDF for general comments that do not refer to specific information directly on the draft invoice PDF. For example, approvers who are rejecting an invoice because they want the biller to hold it until the next month, could easily add those instructions on the Draft Invoice Comments dialog box, instead of marking up the draft invoice PDF with that information.

When You Don't Use Markup on Draft Billing Invoices

When you do not use the markup feature, there is no Draft Preview tab in Interactive Billing or Draft Invoice Approvals that displays a PDF of the draft invoice for marking up. Instead, in addition to adding comments on the Draft Invoice Comments dialog box when you perform the submit, approve, or reject actions, you can add other comments as follows:

  • In Interactive Billing:

    Click the Print action on the Interactive Billing form to preview a draft invoice. To enter draft comments for the invoice, click More in the Draft Invoice Comments field in the Draft Invoice Information section of the General tab.

  • In Draft Invoice Approvals:

    An Invoice Preview tab displays instead of the Draft Preview tab. On the Invoice Preview tab, you can view the invoice and enter any comments for it in a separate Draft Invoice Comments pane on the tab. You can also view and edit the comments that you enter on this tab on the Draft Invoice Comments dialog box that you access in both Draft Invoice Approvals and Interactive Billing by clicking More in the Draft Invoice Comments field in the Draft Invoice Information section of the General tab. You can also enter comments directly in the Draft Invoice Comments dialog box at any time.