Adjust Salaried Job Cost Example

Review examples that show the Adjust Salaried Job Cost (ASJC) calculation with and without overtime included.

Employees Hub Settings

For these examples, the settings that are entered for the employee in Hubs > Employees are as follows:

Employees Hub Tab Field Entry in the Field
Accounting Cost Rate $800
Accounting Cost Type Salary
Employment Details Hours/Day

(Hours per day worked)

Accounting Cost Overtime Percent 100

Accounting Company Settings Configuration

For these examples, the ASJC settings on the Timesheets tab in Settings > Accounting > Company are as follows:

Field or Option Entry in the Field
Job Cost Frequency Weekly
Allow job cost rates to be salaries This checkbox is selected.
Include overtime hours in job cost calculation See each column in the table below for an example with and without this checkbox selected.

Timesheet Entry

For these examples, the Timesheet entry is as follows:

A salaried employee enters 40 regular hours and 10 overtime (OT) hours to one project.

ASJC Calculations

The following table shows the ASJC calculation with and without overtime included:

Workflow Include overtime hours in job cost calculation checkbox is selected Include overtime hours in job cost calculation checkbox is NOT selected
Post Timesheets ASJC calculates a standard hourly job cost rate for the employee using the employee’s job cost rate, hours/day worked, and the ASJC job cost frequency.

(Job Cost Rate/Job Cost Frequency in days) / Hours/day

($800/5 days) / 8 = $20/Hour

The routine uses the standard hourly job cost rate and actual hours worked to calculate job costing amounts:

40 regular hours x $20/hour = $800

10 OT hours x $20/hour = $200


Job Cost Total per Posted Timesheet $1,000

If the overtime percentage for the employee was 150 instead of 100, the OT cost would have been calculated as 10 OT hrs x $30/Hr = $300.

ASJC calculates a standard hourly job cost rate for the employee using the employee’s job cost rate, hours/day worked, and the ASJC job cost frequency.

(Job Cost Rate/Job Cost Frequency in days) / Hours/day

($800/5 days) / 8 = $20/Hour

The routine uses the standard hourly job cost rate and actual hours worked to calculate job costing amounts:

40 regular hours x $20/hour = $800

10 OT hours x $20/hour = $200


Job Cost Total per Posted Timesheet $1,000

If the overtime percentage for the employee was 150 instead of 100, the OT cost would have been calculated as 10 OT hrs x $30/Hr = $300.

Run ASJC ASJC calculates the hourly job cost rate for the employee using the employee's job cost rate and actual timesheet hours worked, including both regular and overtime hours:

$800/50 hours = $16.00/hour

Job cost amounts are recalculated as follows:

40 regular hours x $16/hour = $640

10 OT hours x $16/hour = $160


Job Cost Total per ASJC $800

When you select the Include overtime hours in job cost calculation checkbox, ASJC always uses the ASJC-calculated hourly rate to calculate overtime costs.

ASJC calculates the hourly job cost rate for the employee using the employee's job cost rate and actual timesheet hours worked, including only the regular hours:

$800/40 hours = $20.00/hour

Job cost amounts are recalculated for regular hours only.

40 regular hours x $20/hr = $800


Job Cost Total per ASJC $800

When you do not select the Include overtime hours in job cost calculation checkbox, ASJC ignores overtime hours and does not calculate any cost for them. However, the overtime cost calculated when timesheets were posted still remains.

Job Cost Amounts on Reports $640 Regular time

$160 Overtime


$800 Job Cost Total

$800 Regular time

$200 Overtime (from timesheets)


$1,000 Job Cost Total