Use Search Navigation Controls to Track New Records

When you create and save one or more new records on a hub or an application form, the New Records label appears in the Saved Search control. Use the New Records paging control to track new records from the Search Navigation Control.

In the Navigation pane, select a specific hub or application to display the main hub or application form.

To track a new record:

  1. In the Search Navigation control () for the active hub or application form, click to expand the Saved Searches pane.
  2. In the top right of the active form, click the + New <record> button.
    Vantagepoint displays the record form for the active hub or application.
  3. On the new record form, add a new record name and complete the required information.
  4. Repeat step 3 to add as many new records as you want.
    As you add the new records, Vantagepoint orders the records sequentially in the paging control.
  5. When finished, click Save.
    Vantagepoint displays both a saved confirmation message and the New Records label () that appears in the Saved Search control.
  6. Use the paging control to view, add, or edit information for each new record.

When you access a different field on the active form or navigate away from the form, you lose the ability to view and track new records. The New Records label reverts back to the Saved Search control () label.