Edit an Ad Hoc Search Selection

You can edit an ad hoc search Selection from the Saved Searches pane for most hub and application forms.

Complete the following task: Select Records for an Ad Hoc Search.

To edit an ad hoc search Selection in the Saved Search list:

  1. From the Saved Search control () at the top of the hub form, click to display the Saved Searches and Record Selection panes.
  2. In the Saved Searches list, click to the right of Selection to open the Edit Search dialog box.
  3. In the Search Results grid, select the checkbox for each record that you want to include in the new ad hoc Selection.
  4. Click Apply Selected to save your new selection.
    The Edit Search dialog box closes, the new ad hoc Selection replaces the previous record selection, and the paging control displays the total number of records included in the current Selection.

Alternatively, if you want to edit and then save the ad hoc search as an entirely new search, using either the Standard or Advanced Search features, refer to this topic: Edit an Existing Search.