Quick Reference for Creating and Saving New Reports

Vantagepoint includes a set of standard reports that are designed to meet typical reporting needs. You can add records to these reports and run them with the standard options selected or use the reports as the baseline for creating new, favorite (customized) reports that match your business requirements.

Video: See related video below.

Favorite Reports

You can save favorite reports and share them with other roles or users. When you customize and save a report, the options that you specify on all tabs, the current record selection criteria, and the report language become part of the favorite definition.

Favorites are available in two locations:
  • My Stuff > Reporting: The Favorites tab lists all custom reports.
  • Dashboards: If the Favorite Reports system dashpart is included on your Dashboard, the list of favorite reports displays on the dashboard for quick access.

1: Find and Select a Report to Use as the Basis for Your Report

To begin, you select My Stuff > Reporting in the Navigation pane, click the Reports tab, and select a standard report to use as the basis for your report.

2: Format Your Report

To format reports, you use one or more of the tabs on the Reporting form. Which tabs you see and which options you can use vary by report type.
  • Columns &/or Groups tab: Select the columns that display on the report. You can also specify the sequence in which data displays and combine multiple sort criteria. This tab is named Columns, Groups, or Columns & Groups, depending on the type of report that you select.
  • Options tab: Set options and save sets of options for reuse; the contents vary, based on the report category.
  • Layout tab: Specify the document and page formatting properties, field level information, and visual characteristics that are displayed on reports.
  • Charts tab: For reports that contain charts, select the chart type and define graphical data for the report.

3: Save Your Report

On the Actions bar, click Save to open the Save Report dialog box, which you use to:

  • Assign a new name to the report. Vantagepoint prohibits the following characters in report names: \ / : * ? \ " < > | #
  • Use the Save For option to specify who can access the report:
    • The default role, Myself, gives you access to the report. If you add no other roles, the report has a Private status on the Favorites tab.
    • If needed, select additional roles that can access the report. The report then has a Shared status on the Favorites tab and the Status column displays to indicate that the report is shared with other users.
  • In the Description field, indicate the report's purpose.
  • Save the report.

4: Select Records to Include on Your Report

Once saved, your report is available on the Favorites tab of the Reporting form. To specify the records to be included, go to your report's grid row on the Favorites tab and click in the Records column or the Saved Searches column to display the records or saved searches that are available for the report.

As an alternative, enter text in a list to locate a single record or a saved search.

5: Run Your Report

If you are on the Favorites tab, click the blue underline link for your report to run it.

If you are on a different tab, click Run on the Actions bar.

When the report is finished generating, it is displayed in a separate dialog box and you can then do one of the following:

  • Review or print the report.
  • Drill down on report data.
  • Use the Find field to locate report data.
  • Send the report as an email attachment.
  • Send a link to the report in an email message.
  • Download the report to a file.


Title Description

List Reports

Learn how to create simple reports.