Personal Dashboards

If existing dashboards do not display the information that you need, create a personal dashboard that is based on your preferences or needs.

Your role's access rights determines if you can create personal dashboards, and the dashparts that you can use to create it. To verify your access, see Settings > Security > Roles.

If you have the access rights necessary for creating personal dashboards, you can use Edit Mode on the toolbar of the Dashboards form. Any personal dashboards that you create and save are subsequently accessible from the Dashboards form.

For Roles that can Only Create Personal Dashboards

On the Dashboards form, after you create a personal dashboard, the Navigation pane displays your personal dashboards under the Personal section, after the My Dashboards section. Dashboards under the My Dashboards section are shared by many users and is typically created by a manager or an administrator, while dashboards under the Personal section are those that you created. You are the only employee that can access your personal dashboards.

You can also access your personal dashboards from the list view (Dashboard Options form) of Dashboards to arrange the display order of your personal dashboards on the navigation pane. To access the list view, click Options in the edit mode toolbar.

In this role configuration, you do not have the access rights to create dashparts.

For Roles that can Create Dashboards and Dashparts for All

To create your personal dashboards, select the appropriate option in the Create New Dashboards dialog box and Dashboard Copy dialog box. Your personal dashboards are displayed under thePersonal section on the navigation pane. You can also access your personal dashboards from the list view (Dashboard Options form) of Dashboards to arrange the display order of your personal dashboards on the navigation pane and apply dashboard filters. To display the list view, click Options in the edit mode toolbar, and then select My Personal Dashboards in View Options.

You can also view some information on all the personal dashboards that are currently in the system. Select All Personal Dashboards in View Options to display the list off all the personal dashboards. The list of all personal dashboards only display information about the personal dashboard and are not accessible from the list. This list allows you to see the number of dashparts in a personal dashboard, and the user that created the personal dashboard.