Contents of the AI Generated Client Smart Summaries Preview

The client Smart Summary highlights important client information, including recent activities, top pursuit projects, active projects, completed projects, and key performance indicators (KPIs).


Use the tool to rapidly build Smart Summary briefings using AI-generated technology and your data. For example, you can create briefings that summarize data for your clients or projects. For more information, see Using the Smart Summaries Tool.

Disclaimer: Each Smart Summary briefing is generated by an artificial intelligence tool using your Vantagepoint data exclusively. This tool is provided subject to the terms of your Vantagepoint licensing agreement governing the use of Smart Summaries. Deltek does not represent, warrant, or independently verify briefing accuracy. You are strongly encouraged to independently review and verify the accuracy of each Smart Summary briefing that you generate.

Each client Smart Summary contains up to five sections that provide information about the client firm. For more detailed information about client Smart Summary key performance indicators (KPIs), see Client Smart Summary KPIs and Calculations.

To copy the briefing contents, click the Copy to the Clipboard button. All generated Smart Summary briefings are stored in Vantagepoint for 30 minutes. Each summary section's responses are stored separately, to enable you to regenerate a section if it contains an error.

Section Heading Section Description and Contents

Executive Summary

This section always displays. This section provides a high-level overview of the client firm, including the following information:
  • Firm Name
  • Market
  • Description
  • Website
  • Aliases
  • Owner
  • Status

Recent Activities

This section displays only if you have CRM enabled. This section lists the five most recent activities by Start Date, with the exception of Private Activities.

The following information is reviewed by AI for each activity:
  • Start Date
  • Subject
  • Type
  • Notes
  • Attendees
  • List of Contact Attendees
  • Client Firm Name
  • Project Long Name
  • Marketing Campaign Name

Current Pursuits

  • Metrics for Active Pursuit Projects
  • Metrics for Prior Pursuit Projects
  • Top 5 Pursuit Projects

This section displays only if you have either CRM or Resource Planning enabled. This section includes the metrics for Active Pursuit Projects where this client is the primary client. This section also includes the Prior Pursuits metrics and the top five pursuits metrics.

If you use multiple currencies, the estimated fee is translated to the functional currency for the active company. The currency calculation is the same as that used for a presentation currency on a dashboard or in a report.

Metrics for Active Pursuit Projects:

  • Total Estimated Fee
  • Average Days Open
  • Number of Pursuit Projects

Prior Pursuit Projects Metrics:

  • Capture Rate: This metric is the percentage of projects won for all projects won or lost, by estimated fee. This applies for all projects in which this firm is the primary client and the project is no longer in pursuit.
  • Win Rate: This metric is the percentage of projects won, for all projects no longer in pursuit, by project count. This applies for all projects in which this firm is the primary client and the project is no longer in pursuit (it currently has a status of won or lost).

Top 5 Pursuits Projects

Your top five active pursuit projects are summarized by AI. The following project information is reviewed for the summary:
  • Number
  • Long Name
  • Stage
  • Organization
  • Primary Client Name
  • Primary Contact Name
  • Project Manager Name
  • Principal Name
  • Supervisor Name
  • Project Currency Code
  • Estimated Fee
  • Probability
  • Weighted Fee
  • City
  • State/Province
  • Country
  • Marketing Coordinator Name
  • Business Development Lead Name
  • Marketing Manager Name
  • Total Promotional Cost: Total cost from the associated promotional project.

Active Awarded Projects

  • Metrics for Active Awarded Projects
  • Top 5 Awarded Projects

This section always displays. This section provides metrics for all active awarded projects for which this firm is the primary client. If you use multiple currencies, amounts are in the functional currency of the active company. The currency calculation is the same as that used for a presentation currency on a dashboard or in a report.

Metrics for Active Awarded Projects

The following information is included:

  • Current Total Backlog: Displayed only if Accounting/PSA is enabled.
  • Current AR: Displayed only if Accounting/PSA is enabled.
  • Profitability: Displayed only if Accounting/PSA is enabled.
  • Average CV (Contract Value) per Projects: Displayed only if Accounting/PSA is enabled.
  • # of Active Awarded Projects
  • Total Estimated Fee: Displayed only if CRM is enabled without Accounting/PSA.
  • Average Estimated Fee: Displayed only if CRM is enabled without Accounting/PSA.

Top 5 Awarded Projects

This section lists the top five active, regular projects for which this firm is the primary client, by compensation or estimated fee.

The following information is included:
  • Number
  • Long Name
  • Organization
  • Stage
  • Primary Client Name
  • Primary Contact Name
  • Project Manager Name
  • Principal Name
  • Supervisor Name
  • Project Currency Code
  • City
  • State
  • Country
  • Total Promotional Cost: Displayed only if Accounting/PSA is enabled.
  • Total Compensation: Displayed only if Accounting/PSA is enabled.
  • Total Revenue: Displayed only if Accounting/PSA is enabled.
  • Total Backlog: Displayed only if Accounting/PSA is enabled.
Top Completed Projects
  • Metrics for Completed Projects
  • Top 5 Completed Projects

This section always displays. Use this section to view metrics for all inactive or dormant awarded projects where this firm is the primary client. If you use multiple currencies, amounts are in the functional currency for the active company for which you are logged in. The currency calculation is the same as that used for a presentation currency on a dashboard or in a report.

Metrics for Completed Projects

  • Profitability: Displayed only if Accounting is enabled.
  • Total CV (Contract Value) for All Projects: Displayed only if Accounting/PSA is enabled.
  • Average CV (Contract Value) per Project: Displayed only if Accounting/PSA is enabled.
  • # of Completed Awarded Projects
  • Total Estimated Fee: Displayed only if CRM is enabled without Accounting/PSA.
  • Average Estimated Fee: Displayed only if CRM is enabled without Accounting/PSA.

Top 5 Completed Projects

This section lists the top five inactive and dormant regular projects, by compensation or estimated fee. This section includes all projects for which this firm is the primary client.

The following information is included for each project:
  • Number
  • Long Name
  • Stage
  • Organization
  • Primary Client Name
  • Primary Contact Name
  • Project Manager Name
  • Principal Name
  • Supervisor Name
  • Project] Currency Code
  • City
  • State
  • Country
  • Total Promotional Cost: Displayed only if Accounting/PSA is enabled.
  • Total Compensation: Displayed only if Accounting/PSA is enabled.