Contents of the AI Generated Project Smart Summary Preview

The project Smart Summaries preview highlights important information about your project, including an overview of the project with key dates, top pursuit projects, active projects, completed projects, recent activities, and key performance indicators (KPIs) about the project's financial health and any related plans.


You can generate a project Smart Summary for the top level (the project level) of the work breakdown structure (WBS), for any project with a charge type of Regular or Promotional.

Use the tool to rapidly build Smart Summary briefings using AI-generated technology and your data. For example, you can create briefings that summarize data for your clients or projects. For more information, see Using the Smart Summaries Tool.

Disclaimer: Each Smart Summary briefing is generated by an artificial intelligence tool using your Vantagepoint data exclusively. This tool is provided subject to the terms of your Vantagepoint licensing agreement governing the use of Smart Summaries. Deltek does not represent, warrant, or independently verify briefing accuracy. You are strongly encouraged to independently review and verify the accuracy of each Smart Summary briefing that you generate.

Each project Smart Summary briefing provides up-to-date information about your project and its key performance indicators (KPIs). Depending on the availability of information for a project, the project Smart Summary briefing may include up to five sections.

To copy project Smart summary information, click the Copy to the Clipboard button. All generated Smart Summary briefings are stored in Vantagepoint for 30 minutes. Each summary section's responses are stored separately, to enable you to regenerate a section if it contains an error.

For more information about KPIs used in the project Smart Summary briefing, see Project Smart Summary KPIs and Calculations.

This table lists each section in the project Smart summary briefing and the types of information that may be included.

Section Heading Section Contents


Section Access

This section is provided for all projects.

Section Contents

This section presents a high-level overview of the project, which includes the following information:

  • Project Number
  • Project Short Name
  • Description
  • Status
  • Stage: Access to the Resource Planning module or CRM module is required to display this field.
  • Project's Organization
  • Project Type
  • Responsibility: Your enterprise's responsibility or role for the project.
  • Primary Client
  • Location - City, State, and Country
  • Default Description: Displays the default description from the Proposals tab; the CRM module must be enabled to include this field.
  • Project Manager
  • Principal
  • Supervisor
  • Project Dates
  • Start Date and End Date: If these dates available and are not in the past, they are displayed as either Actual Start/End Dates or as Estimated Start/End Dates.
  • Completion Date: If this date is available and is not in the past, it displays as either Actual Completion Date or as Estimated Completion Date.
  • Upcoming Milestones: Displays up to 7 milestones. and includes any dates beginning today for any project, phase, and task, excluding the start date and completion date.

Financial Health

Section Access

This section displays only if you have enabled either the Accounting module or the PSA module:

  • When either the Accounting module or PSA module is enabled and either the CRM or RP module is enabled,this section displays for Regular Won Projects.
  • When either the Accounting or PSA module is enabled but the CRM module or the Resource Planning module is not enabled, this section displays for all Regular projects.

Section Contents

This section provides a snapshot of the project's current financial state and key performance indicators (KPIs). This section is available if you have access to either the Accounting module or the PSA module.

Based on the available project information, the following financial health information is reviewed by AI for each project:

  • Project Short Name
  • Total Compensation
  • Job-to-date Earned Revenue
  • Year-to-date Earned Revenue
  • Revenue Backlog
  • Total Billed with taxes
  • Accounts Receivable
  • Average Age of Accounts Receivable
  • Multipliers: Target Multiplier, Labor Estimate-at-Completion Cost Multiplier, Job-to-Date Effective Multiplier
  • Job-to-Date Earned Profit
  • Job-to-Date Earned Variance
  • Percent Completes:Job-to-Date Earned % Complete,Planned % Complete,Spent % Complete , Estimate-to-Complete Revenue .
  • Difference between the Revenue Backlog and Estimate-to-Complete Revenue
  • Linked Promotional Project Name
  • Linked Promotional Project Cost

Multiple Currencies

If the Use Billing (Not Project) Currency for Reporting option is enabled in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options, financial health information is displayed in the project's billing currency. If not, the project currency is used.

The following exceptions apply:
  • JTD Earned Profit is displayed in the project currency.
  • JTD Billed with Taxes and Accounts Receivable are displayed in the billing currency.

Recent Activities

Section Access:

This section displays only if you have CRM enabled.

Section Contents

This section displays the five most recent activities by Start Date, with the exception of Private Activities.

The following information is reviewed by AI for each activity:

  • Start Date
  • Subject
  • Type
  • Notes
  • Our Employees
  • List of Contact Attendees: This list is separated by a delimiter with a label of Firm Contact Name.
  • Activity Firm Name
  • Project Short Name
  • Marketing Campaign Name
Pursuit Summary
  • Metrics for In Pursuit Regular Projects

Section Access

This section displays only if you have either the CRM module or the Resource Planning module enabled.

Section Contents

This section displays pursuit details such as the estimated fee, weighted fee, and key pursuit employees. The following information is provided for in pursuit, regular projects (at the project level):

  • Stage
  • Total Estimated Fee: Displays in project currency.
  • Probabilty: Displays as a percentage.
  • Weighted Fee: Displays in project currency.
  • Marketing Coordinator Name
  • Business Development Lead Name
  • Marketing Manager Name
  • Total Compensation: Unavailable if the total is 0.00.

Multiple Currencies

If you use multiple currencies, the currency in which some KPIs are displayed depends on your setting for the Use Billing (Not Project) Currency for Reporting option in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options.

  • If the option is enabled, the Total Compensation is displayed in the project's billing currency.
  • If the option is not enabled, the project currency is used.

The values for the Estimated Fee and the Weighted Fee are displayed in the project currency.

Plan Summary

  • Regular and Promotional Projects Planning Information
  • Top 5 Team Members

Section Access

This section is displayed for all projects.

Section Contents

The Plan Summary section provides planning data for Regular and Promotional projects when the Accounting or the PSA module is enabled.

The plan summary section includes the following information:

  • Plan Start Date
  • Plan End Date
  • Top 5 Team Members: Displays a list of the top 5 employee resources with the highest estimate-at-completion hours.
  • Labor Estimate-at-Completion Profit %
  • Labor Estimate-at-Completion Cost Multiplier
  • Labor Estimate-at-Completion Variance %