Chart Dashparts

Chart dashparts display data from a selected area of Vantagepoint in a graph or chart.

While viewing the Dashparts Library pane of the Dashboards form in edit mode, chart dashparts are represented with the icon in the dashpart list.

Chart dashparts have a number of configurable options that allow you to change and customize the way your data is displayed graphically as a chart. The following chart types are available:
  • Bar
  • Column
  • Scatter
  • Line
  • Spline
  • Area
  • Area Spline
  • Pie
Apart from selecting the chart type, you have options to configure the chart dashpart by identifying the location of the chart legend, choosing to stack columns or not, to rotate chart labels, identify the presentation currencies, truncate amounts, and use color gradients just to name a few.

While viewing a chart dashpart, additional information is displayed when you move the mouse cursor over the different points in the chart.

The information that is displayed in chart dashparts is refreshed every 24 hours. On the Chart Options dialog box, you can specify that the chart dashpart data instead be refreshed automatically every time that you access the dashboard. However, if you do so, you might experience performance issues. Further, these performance issues can be compounded if multiple users access the dashpart on a dashboard at the same time. As an alternative, you can use the button in the chart dashpart headings to refresh the dashpart data on an as-needed basis.