Managing Project Numbers

A project number is a unique alphanumeric description that you assign to a project to identify tasks or phases of work and help you to quickly locate specific records in the database.

In Vantagepoint, you can have up to three work breakdown structures (WBS) in your project. The project number is the first level of your breakdown structure.

Project numbering is an important part of project management. When you are managing multiple projects and stakeholders, it can be difficult to keep track of them all. This is why it's important to have a system in place to ensure that all projects are numbered correctly. There really are no defined rules for project numbering. However, it might be useful to take a look at your existing numbering system to see if there are any opportunities to improve it. In general, these are good practices to follow:
  • Be consistent. When you use a consistent numbering system, it's easier to track and manage your project. It also helps to ensure that everyone in your organization is using the same system for tracking and reporting projects. A consistent system allows you to quickly search for a specific project or a group of projects.
  • Use a naming convention that makes sense for your team. A good naming convention includes pertinent information about the type of project, dates that are relevant to the project, location, or organization. For example, you might want to start regular projects with the letter R and promotional projects with the letter P. If your company has distinct departments, disciplines, or profit centers, you could use a 1- or 2-digit code in the project number to represent that.

    Deltek recommends that you develop a project numbering system that allows you to distinguish regular projects from overhead projects.

  • Keep it simple. A complex numbering system can be difficult to remember, which can lead to confusion and mistakes. Try to create a consistent pattern that everyone understands.
  • Make sure your project numbers are unique. This provides a clear reference to each project and allows easy identification for better reporting and analysis.
  • Don't forget about the project name. Project names are often used to refer to a project in conversations and emails. For easy recall, include the project name in the project number.
  • Consider using automated project numbering.Automation simplifies the process of assigning project numbers and ensures each number is unique and consistent. Using automated numbering helps reduce errors and confusion when referencing projects in reports and other documents and makes it easier to track and manage project numbers over time. You can configure Vantagepoint auto-numbering in Settings > Workflow > Numbering.