Multiple Languages in Dashboards and Dashparts

You can create dashboards and dashparts in any language available in Vantagepoint. The language in effect when you create the dashboard or dashpart is retained, even when you later log in to Vantagepoint using a different language.

All languages are enabled by default. You can disable languages and set a primary language in Settings > General > Options. You can choose a language when you log in to Vantagepoint, to see the interface in that language.

This flexibility allows you to create dashboards and dashparts in different languages. However, keep in mind that dashboards and dashparts retain the language setting that was used when they were created, even when you later select a different language when you log in. For example, if you create a dashboard or dashpart using French, that dashboard or dashpart still displays some parts in French when you later log in using English US. All the user-defined contents of the dashboard and dashparts, including the presentation currency and the customized labels of the selected columns and labels of calculated fields are not translated or converted when you switch to a different language during log in.

This also applies when you copy dashboards and dashparts; the copies retain the language used when the dashboards or dashparts were created. The language setting for each dashpart is also retained when you add the dashpart to a dashboard, even if you create the dashboard in a different language.

Favorite reports also retain their original language. Therefore, when you create a dashpart with the favorite report dashpart base, the favorite reports are displayed using the language in which they were created.

To translate dashboards or dashparts that were created in another language, contact your administrator and request the translation.