Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are keys or combinations of keys that you can use to perform various Vantagepoint tasks.

To display the Keyboard Shortcuts dialog box from anywhere, press ALT+K.

Keystrokes Description
ALT+K From anywhere in the application, display the Keyboard Shortcuts dialog box.
ALT+A When in a grid, insert a row. This is available only for grids that support adding rows.
ALT+C When in a grid, copy the current row. This is available only for grids that support copying rows.
ALT+X When in a grid, delete the current row. This is available only for grids that support deleting rows.
Up Arrow

Grid: Move focus to the grid cell directly above the current cell.

Drop-down list: When search results are displayed, move up to select a search result. Press ENTER to select the current value and close the results. Press TAB to select the current value and move to the next field.

Down Arrow

Grid: Move focus to the grid cell directly below the current cell.

Drop-down list: When search results are displayed, move down to select a search result. Press ENTER to select the current value and close the results. Press TAB to select the current value and move to the next field.


Grid: Will first update the current field and then move focus to the next cell in the current row (similar to TAB).

Checkbox: Select or clear the checkbox.

Drop-down list: If search results are not displayed, open the search results. If search results are open, you can arrow through results and press ENTER to select a search result.

Memo: If not already open, open the memo text editor dialog box.


Grid: Move focus to the next cell in the current row. If the current cell is the last cell in the row, move focus to the first cell in the next row.

Drop-down list: If search results are open, close the search results and move to the next field without selecting the search result.

SHIFT+TAB Move focus to the prior cell in the current row. If the current cell is the first cell in the row, move focus to the last cell in the prior row.

Checkbox: Select or clear the checkbox.

Select or clear the checkbox.

Radio Button: Select the current radio button.


Date picker: Hide the date picker.

Color picker: Hide the color picker.

Drop-down list: Hide the search results.

HOME When search results are displayed, scroll to the first search result in the list. When paging, jump to the beginning of the current page in the list and move to the previous page.
END When search results are displayed, scroll to the last search result in the list. When paging, jump to the end of the current page in the list and move to the next page.