Table Dashparts

These dashparts display read-only data from a selected area of Vantagepoint in a grid.

While viewing the Dashparts Library pane of the Dashboards form in edit mode, table dashparts are represented with the icon in the dashpart list.

You can customize table dashparts by selecting the dashpart base and identifying which columns are displayed in the dashpart and organizing the columns based on your preference. You can customize the table dashpart by defining sorting, grouping, conditional formatting, date ranges, and other available options. When table dashparts are viewed in Dashboards, table dashparts display the appropriate information based on the access rights of the employee and the available applications based on the configuration of Vantagepoint.

Some information in table dashparts are links that serve as quick access to a corresponding record. Click the links to display the record to get more information about the linked record. Filter () and export () options are also available when the table dashparts are viewed in Dashboard.

Predefined Dashparts

On the Dashpart Designer form, some table dashparts can be found under the Existing Dashparts section of the Dashpart Library even if you haven't created a table dashpart. These are predefined table dashparts that are ready to use and can be included in a dashboard that you are creating without any modification. They function like any other table dashpart, except they have some preselected columns. Unlike a system dashpart, you can modify predefined table dashparts and use it as a baseline for a table dashpart that you need so that you have a starting point.

The information that is displayed in table dashparts is refreshed every 24 hours. On the Table Options dialog box, you can specify that the table dashpart data instead be refreshed automatically every time that you access the dashboard. However, if you do so, you might experience performance issues. Further, these performance issues can be compounded if multiple users access the dashpart on a dashboard at the same time. As an alternative, you can use the button in the table dashpart headings to refresh the dashpart data on an as-needed basis.