Marketing Campaigns Hub

A marketing campaign is an event or activity designed to reach new and existing clients to generate business and improve future marketing success. You can track marketing campaign costs and activities and related contacts, and projects.

Videos: See videos below

The Marketing Campaigns hub includes a summary pane and a set of tabs that provide quick access to marketing campaign information. While using the summary pane, you can add or review key data such as the marketing campaign status, stage, type, objective, and results.

The tabs provide additional fields of information where you can add or review more specific details about the currently selected marketing campaign. Your system administrator may add custom tabs and fields to supplement these.

Marketing campaigns are only available if you own the Vantagepoint CRM Plus application.

Tab Purpose
Overview You review and edit key data, such as the marketing campaign description, associated promotional project, marketing campaign manager, and marketing manager.
Responses View a snapshot of the responses of contacts to your marketing effort.
Activities Create and maintain lists of activities for the marketing campaign.
Projects Track any projects that you learned about as a result of the marketing campaign.

Files & Links

Upload, view, and store documents that are related to the current marketing campaign record. You can also add links to external documents, graphics files, or other files.


Title Description

Hub Navigation Tips and Tricks

Learn tips for successfully navigating hubs, including how to add a hub record, use list view (select columns and use filters), and perform a simple search. The video also discusses hierarchies.

Explicit Save in Hubs

Learn how to use the Explicit Save feature in list view and detail view in hubs and understand what happens if you receive error messages when you save your changes.

Use Hubs for CRM

Learn about the hubs used by CRM users and how to enter data into hubs manually, import data from outside sources, and quickly find or add a record.