Contents of the Export List View Dialog Box

Select the file format for the export: comma-separated values (CSV) or Excel.


Field Description
Export Format Select the file format for the export:
  • CSV: Export data from the grid to a comma-separated values (CSV) file.
  • Excel: Export data from the grid to an Excel file.

    If there are more than 500 records and the process server is used to process the export, you are notified via the Notification Center as soon as the Excel file is ready to be downloaded. If you are exporting more than 500 records, the following applications automatically leverage the process server when exporting records from list view: Projects hub, Employees hub, Firms hub, Contacts hub, User Defined hubs, Activities, and Users.

Export Codes as Additional Columns Select this option to include both codes and descriptions in the export process. This completes the export with the defined formats. When this option is cleared (not selected), only the description is included.