Recurrence Tab of the Schedule Dialog Box

Use this tab when you want to set up a job to run regularly, according to a specific time schedule (for example, on the first Monday of every month).

The fields and options on this dialog box vary, depending on where you open the dialog box in Vantagepoint.


Field Description
Recurring Activity Select this checkbox if you want the job to run automatically, according to a specific time schedule (for example, on the first Monday of every month). When you select this checkbox, the How often does this recur field and a Schedule section displays on the tab.

Depending on your level of access, you can find the scheduled jobs in Utilities > Process Server > Queue Manager, where you can view process details and statuses, modify related settings, or cancel processes.

For more information, see: Process Queue Manager Utility.

How often does this recur If you selected the Recurring Activity checkbox, select how often you want the job to run: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly. What you enter in this field determines the fields that you must complete in the Schedule section.
Always run in the following period Select this checkbox, and then select Current or Prior to have the recurring job always run in the current or prior period.

Schedule Section

The contents of this section are based on what you selected in the How often does this recur field:

  • If you selected Daily, you can choose to have the job run every specified number of days (for example, every seven days) or to have the job run every weekday (Monday through Friday).
  • If you selected Weekly, you can choose how often you want the job to run and on what day of the week. For example, you could choose to have the job run every two weeks on Monday.
  • If you selected Monthly, you can choose to have the job run on a specified day and specified number of months. For example, you could choose to have the job run on the 15th of every month. Or, on a specified day and week and specified number of months. For example, you could choose to have the job run on the third Wednesday of every two months.
  • If you selected Yearly, you can choose to have the job run on a specific month and day of the year. For example, you could choose to have the job run every January 1st.
Field Description
Ends On Specify an end to the recurring scheduled job. Select No End Date to have it run indefinitely, or select End Date, and enter a specific end date.