Monthly Processing Cycle Checklist

Most enterprises follow the same general steps during the monthly processing cycle.

Timing of Steps

You can complete many processing cycle tasks, such as entering new employees or entering timesheets, at any time during the month and in any order. There are, however, several tasks that you must perform at a certain point in the processing cycle:
  • Open a New Period: This is the first action that you need to perform in the monthly cycle.
  • Back Up Your Database: You should back up your database before posting transaction files and processing key conversions.
  • Process Payroll: You must post timesheets before you process payroll.
  • Run Overhead Allocation: You must post all transaction files for the month before allocating overhead.
  • Close the Period: This is the last action that you need to perform in the monthly cycle.

Typical Monthly Processing Steps

Step Action Description
1 Open a new period. Use the Open Period utility to open a new accounting period. This utility also allows you to modify both accounting and fiscal periods.
2 Enter new employees. Use the Employees hub to maintain all employee information, including personal and accounting data, general descriptions of employee skills and experience, details about the customers and contacts with whom they are working, the projects on which they are working, and related activities.
3 Enter new clients. Use the Firms hub to maintain all client information, including addresses, phone numbers, contact names, related activities, clients, and files, associations with employees, links to ongoing and completed projects, and details about future in pursuit projects.
4 Enter new projects. Use the Projects hub to maintain all project information, including project names and locations, project costs, estimated and actual completion dates, associated clients, contacts, and consultants, accounting information, details about the team members working on a project, project activity details, and related files and graphics.
5 Maintain unit information, if applicable. Use Units (Settings > Accounting > Units) to maintain all unit information, such as mileage, survey crews, and lab tests.
6 Enter project budgets. You can set up budgets for individual labor codes and expense accounts, at both cost and billing rates. You should enter percent completes periodically to reflect each project's current level of completion. That way you can monitor each project's cost in relation to its overall progress.
7 Enter/update percent completes. Update percent completes to ensure that they are accurate for revenue calculations.
8 Enter project billing terms, if applicable. If you have created and entered new projects, you need to enter the billing terms for those projects.
9 Enter timesheets. Usually, timesheets are entered at the same frequency as payroll (weekly, biweekly, semi-monthly, or monthly). However, to receive accurate and up-to-date costing reports, you may want to have employees enter timesheets more often, especially if they are paid monthly.

If your enterprise uses Vantagepoint Time & Expense, employees should be encouraged to update and save timesheet data on a daily basis.

10 Run the Unposted Labor report. Use the Unposted Labor report to review:
  • All timesheet data in unposted transaction entry files. The code DE displays beside this data on the report.
  • All Time & Expense timesheets that are in progress or submitted, but not posted. The code TK displays beside this data on the report.
11 Post timesheets. Once you verify that your timesheet transaction file is in balance, post the file.
12 Process payroll. Use Vantagepoint Payroll to process and post payroll. Or export payroll data to external payroll processing software for processing.
13 Enter other costs. Use the Transaction Center to enter various types of transactions, including disbursements, expenses, invoices, and vouchers.
14 Run Transaction List reports. Transaction reports contain information about the transaction files that you create. Use them to check the validity of the data you entered.
15 Post other costs. When you post transaction files, you make the data a permanent part of your database. Posting updates your general ledger, subsidiary ledgers, and project files, and allows you to generate up-to-date reports. You can post costs individually or all at one time.
16 Run Overhead Allocation. Run Overhead Allocation to disperse year-to-date indirect expenses to all regular revenue-producing projects.
17 Review reports. The appropriate employees should review Project Summary reports, Project Progress reports, draft invoices, and other reports.
18 Run Revenue Generation. Revenue Generation calculates the job-to-date revenue earned by each project, letting you compare job-to-date revenue and expenses.
19 Review the Posting Log Review report. The Posting Log Review Report lists all of the posting logs generated during the current period, regardless of the transaction type.
20 Review/generate month-end reports. The appropriate employees should review the following reports and ensure that the information is correct.
  • AR Aging Report
  • Balance Sheet
  • Income Statement Report
  • Invoice Register Report
  • Office Earnings Report
  • Project Progress Report
  • Vendor Schedule Report
21 Close the period. By closing a period when you have finished processing all transactions for the period, you ensure that new charges are not posted to that period by mistake.