Videos for Proposal Coordinators

View videos about creating proposals and proposal templates.

To view the videos, click the links below.

Title Description

Introduction to Proposals

Learn basics about the Proposals application, which provides flexibility and a variety of elements and options that you use to create a custom proposal for clients, organizations, projects, and teams.

Including Hub Information in Proposals

Learn how to add hub records to proposals, insert images and additional fields, and format fields and text.

Creating a Resume Template

Learn how to create a resume template, which is helpful when submitting proposals for projects in which you want to highlight your team's background and experience. A resume template saves time by allowing you to create the layout, and determine the information that you want to present about your team, in future proposals based on the template.

Proposal Document and Page Properties

Learn how to set up document and page properties in a proposal in Vantagepoint.

Proposal Templates

Learn how to create a template from a proposal.

Using Element Groups in Proposals

Learn about element groups, which are sets of elements that you can reuse in future proposals.

Linking Text Elements in Proposals

Learn how to link one text element to another to continue text from one element to the next. You can link as many text elements together as you want and linked text elements can appear on the same page or different pages. This video introduces text linking using an example.

Creating a Table in a Proposal

Learn how to set up a grid that displays multiple records in a proposal. Presenting information in a table format provides prospects with easy-to-read information.

Create an Estimate for a Proposal

Learn how to create an estimate based on a pursuit project. This feature enables you to include in a proposal an estimate for your client, to information them of a project's estimated cost.