Videos for All Users

View videos that cover the Vantagepoint basics.

To view the videos, click the links below.

Title Description

Menu Navigation Overview

Learn shortcuts that will assist you in finding menu items, creating more screen real estate to work with, navigating the toolbar, and accessing online help and learning aids.

Hub Navigation Tips and Tricks

Learn tips for successfully navigating hubs, including how to add a hub record, use list view (select columns and use filters), and perform a simple search. The video also discusses hierarchies.

Explicit Save in Hubs

Learn how to use the Explicit Save feature in list view and detail view in hubs and understand what happens if you receive error messages when you save your changes.

Basic Searches

Learn how to perform basic searches.

Advanced Searches

Learn how to create advanced searches, including how to use conditions, to filter the scope of the results.

List Reports

Learn how to create simple reports.

Enter and Submit Timesheets

Learn how to complete and submit a timesheet using your computer or mobile device.

Enter and Submit Expense Reports

Learn how to complete and submit an expense report.

Intelligent Character Recognition for Mobile Expenses

Learn how to use the Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR) app to populate mobile expense forms from images.

Mobile Credit Card Expenses

Vantagepoint provides four great ways to quickly match credit card charges to expense reports using Mobile Time & Expense. This video introduces the functionality and provides examples.

Intro to Dashboards and Dashparts

Learn how to use standard dashboards and dashparts to view and analyze important data. You can customize the default versions to meet your organization's needs.

The videos are:
  • Introduction to Dashboards and Dashparts
  • Creating Charts and Graphs
  • Edit Mode
  • Customizing Dashparts
  • Dashboard Filters

Deltek Vantagepoint User Fundamentals Series: Overview and Navigation

This learning video will help you familiarize yourself with the basic functionality of Deltek Vantagepoint in both the web and desktop applications. This is an essential learning aid for all user types who are new to the Vantagepoint system.

Course objectives:
  • Identify the differences between the browser and the desktop application.
  • Demonstrate how to maneuver through the navigation menu and the main toolbar.
  • Locate the Help tool and how to use the system help.