PDF Files for Final Billing Invoices

In the Files Administration utility, system administrators can preview, print, and download final billing invoices, voided invoices, credit memos, and voided credit memos that were saved as PDF files to the FileStream database.

The PDF files are automatically saved in the FileStream database for each final invoice and any related voided invoices, credit memos, and voided credit memos that you create in Interactive Billing or Batch Billing if the original invoice or credit memo was stored as a PDF file when it was created. For this to occur, you must have Store PDF of Final Invoice set to Yes in Settings > Billing > Options when an invoice or credit memo is created.

When Store PDF of Final Invoice is set to Yes, you avoid situations in which the final accepted invoices and credit memos that you preview, reprint, or email in the future do not exactly match the originals that you sent to clients. This can happen when you apply certain changes after the original invoice was generated, such as changing the invoice template for a project, adding fields from the Projects hub to the invoice template, or changing formatting options on the Format tab in Billing Terms for a project.

Invoices that you download, edit, and then upload back into Interactive Billing in Vantagepoint are also saved to the FileStream database using the format of the invoice that you uploaded back into Vantagepoint, such as a Microsoft Word file.

On the Files Administration form in Utilities > Files Administration you preview, print, and download final invoices, voided invoices, credit memos, and voided credit memos. In the Application field, select Billing - Final Invoices to retrieve only final invoices without supporting documents for invoices. Select Interactive Billing - Supporting Documents to print related documents.

The table below shows you the file name structure that is used when PDF files are automatically created for invoices, voided invoices, credit memos, and voided credit memos.

Item PDF Invoice File Name Structure
Standard invoice that was not downloaded, edited, and uploaded

Invoice [invoice number] Project [project number].pdf

Example: Invoice 000021 Project 2202331.00.pdf

Uploaded edited invoice

Invoice [invoice number] Project [project number] Edit.xxx

Example: Invoice 000021 Project 2002331.00 Edit.xxx

Voided standard invoice that was not downloaded, edited, and uploaded

Void Invoice [invoice number] Project [project number].pdf

Void Invoice 000000000143 Project 2002331.00.pdf

Credit memo

Credit Invoice [invoice number] Project [project number].pdf

Example: Credit Invoice 000021 Project 2002331.00.pdf

Voided credit memo

Void Credit Invoice [invoice number] Project [project number].pdf

Example: Void Credit Invoice 000021 Project 2002331.00.pdf

For more information, see the following topics: