Contents of the Invoice Details Dialog Box

Use these fields and options to view transaction detail for a billing invoice, including an invoice's credit memos and payment receipt information.

If you are at the project level of the WBS when you display the dialog box, the invoice detail is for the project as a whole. If you navigate to a lower-level WBS element before you display the dialog box, the invoice detail is for that WBS element.

Field Description
Invoice Number

This field displays the invoice number. If an invoice has an invoice to view, the invoice number displays as a hyperlink. Invoices entered through Transaction Entry or the History Loading utility do not have invoices that you can view.

Click the invoice number hyperlink to open a preview window and then view, print, or save a copy of the invoice to a location outside of Vantagepoint.

If an invoice has been voided, you see the voided invoice when you click the hyperlink if the original invoice was stored as a PDF file when it was created. For this to occur, you must have Store PDF of Final Invoice set to Yes in Settings > Billing > Options when an invoice is created. A "Voided" watermark displays across each page of the invoice, the Billing Backup report, and all supporting documents. You can view or print a voided invoice before or after it is posted.


This field displays the project name and number to which the invoice applies.


If you navigated to a phase in the work breakdown structure before displaying the dialog box, this field displays the phase name and number.


If you navigated to a task in the work breakdown structure before displaying the dialog box, this field displays the task name and number.

Invoice Detail Grid

Each row in the grid displays a transaction that was billed on the invoice.

Field Description

This column displays the invoice or credit memo date for the transaction item.

Credit Memo Number

If a credit memo was issued for a transaction, the credit memo number displays in this column as a hyperlink. The Type column in the grid displays Credit.

Click the hyperlink to open a preview window and then view, print, or download the credit memo to a location outside of Vantagepoint.

If a credit memo has been voided, you can view, print, or save a copy of the voided credit memo when you click the hyperlink if the credit memo was stored as a PDF file when it was created. For this to occur, you must have Store PDF of Final Invoice set to Yes in Settings > Billing > Options when a credit memo is created. A "Voided" watermark displays across each page of the voided credit memo. You can view, print, or save a copy of the voided credit memo before or after it is posted.


This column displays one of the following types to indicate if a transaction item is billed (but payment is not yet received), has been included on a credit memo invoice, or payment for it has been received: Billed, Credit, or Received.

Invoice Section

This column displays the section of the invoice where the transaction is displayed on the invoice. Examples of invoice sections are Fee, Labor, Expense, Interest, Tax.

Tax Code

This column displays the tax code if a transaction was displayed in the Tax section of the invoice.


This column displays the billed, paid, credit memo, or applied retainer amount.

Tax Amount

For an entry in the Tax invoice section, this column displays the tax amount.


The interest amount that displays depends on the entry type. For a Billed entry, it is the amount of interest that was charged on past due invoices. For a Credit entry, it is the amount of interest that was taken off of the invoice.


This column displays the retainage amount for the entry.

This column is available only if you set Use Retainage to Yes in Settings > Billing > Options.


Totals display below the grid for the currency columns.