Set Up Rate Tables

Use the Rate Tables Setup forms to establish billing, cost, labor, and expense rates, as well as related accounts and overrides.

Each setup form focuses on a different area.

Form Description
Billing Labor Rates Use this form to assign hourly billing rates to employees for billing their labor. These rates are used in the Billing application to calculate invoice amounts for a project if you select Rate Table as the labor rate method and a billing labor rate table in the project's billing terms. You can set up rate tables for specific clients or industries.
Billing Labor Categories Use this form to set up labor categories with hourly rates for standard staff roles such as principal, project manager, or supervisor (different types of work).
Billing Labor Overrides Use this form to set up a billing rate or labor category for employees whose labor is billed with a different labor rate or labor category for a particular project. Add the override table to the project's billing terms. The billing rate or labor category from the override table overrides the employee's billing rate or labor category that is specified in the labor rate table or the labor category table assigned to the project's billing terms. You can also use these tables to specify a maximum cost rate for an entire labor category, rather than by individual employees.
Billing Expense Accounts Use this form to assign a multiplier (markup) to individual general ledger expense accounts for calculating billable expenses and consultant expenses on billing invoices for projects. These multipliers are used in the Billing application when invoices are generated for a project whose billing terms has By account selected for the expense rate method or the consultants rate method and an expense account table is specified. The multiplier for a general ledger account in a billing expense account table overrides the multiplier used for all expenses as specified in the Multiplier field in the Expense section and the Consultants section on the Rates tab in Billing Terms.
Billing Expense Categories Use this form to create billing expense categories that allow you to bill a group of related expenses as one item on a billing invoice for a project. You can set up different billing expense category tables as needed, for example, a table to be used for a specific project. Add expense categories to each table and the multiplier (markup) to use for each expense category for calculating invoice billing amounts. Then add the general ledger accounts for each expense category. For a project to use an expense category table for billing invoices, the project's billing terms must have the expense rate method set to By Category and an expense category table specified.
Billing Expense by Vendor Use this form if you want billing invoices for a project or class of projects to calculate vendor expenses on a billing invoice based on a multiplier (markup) for the specific vendor rather than on the overall multiplier specified for all expenses in a project's billing terms. You can set up different billing expense by vendor tables for different projects or classes of projects. For each table, add vendors and a multiplier for each vendor. For a project to use an expense by vendor table for billing invoices, the project's billing terms must have the expense rate method set to By Vendor and an expense by vendor table specified.
Cost/Pay Labor Rates Use this form to set up labor rates to override the cost and/or pay labor rates entered for employees in the Employees hub. When you create a cost/pay labor rate table, you specify whether the rate table applies to cost rates, pay rates, or both. For each employee that you add to the table, enter a labor rate and an effective date for the rate if appropriate. Each employee in a labor rate table can have one row that does not specify an effective date; use this row to indicate a default rate to use if no other row has an applicable effective date. You can assign a cost/pay labor rate table to projects, employees, or both
Cost/Pay Labor Categories Use this form to override cost or pay rates for specific projects for specific labor categories. Labor categories are standard staff roles on project (for example, principal‐in‐charge, project manager, or supervisor). The table can override cost rates, pay rates, or both.