Set Up CRM

The CRM Setup page guides you through the multiple-step process of setting up your CRM processes, data, and user access.

Videos: See related videos below

You complete the CRM setup steps throughout Vantagepoint, not just on this page. This page walks you through the four main CRM setup steps and suggests videos and other learning resources for each of the steps.

Step Description
Make a plan Before you do anything, gather key stakeholders to discuss your goals for using Vantagepoint CRM and how you will achieve those goals. Discuss the data that you will bring into Vantagepoint from others sources, the terminology that you will use, and the workflows that you will establish.

See the CRM Overview help topic for more information.

Set up your processes Set up the framework for your CRM system, including establishing workflows, establishing terminology, and selecting the values that are available from drop-down lists. If you plan to integrate Vantagepoint CRM with Salesforce, set up the integration process.

For more information, see the Workflow Configuration Overview help topic.

Set up your hubs In the "hubs" area of Vantagepoint you store key data about your projects, employees, and more. As part of setting up CRM, you enter data about the firms (vendors and clients) with which you work, your contacts, projects you are pursuing, and your marketing efforts. You will probably import this data into Vantagepoint from information sources that you already maintain.

For more information, see the Hubs help topic.

Empower your users Identify the employees who will use Vantagepoint CRM and give them appropriate security access to the CRM applications. For more information, see the Security Settings help topic.


Title Description

Get Started with CRM for Administrators

Learn how to navigate through the hubs and set up labels and lists. The video also introduces the import process, which automates the data entry process.

Use Hubs for CRM

Learn about the hubs used by CRM users and how to enter data into hubs manually, import data from outside sources, and quickly find or add a record.

Import Data for CRM

Learn how to separate CRM contacts from personal contacts, locate duplicates and remove them, and import contacts from outside sources.