Activate Email

Use the Activate Email page to enter email addresses that Vantagepoint uses to send automated messages to employees and others for administrative and approval processes.

For example, you might need to remind an employee about a timesheet task to complete or send someone a report to review.

You can route all of your employees' questions about Vantagepoint to a single email address, which is monitored by your system administrator or another internal product expert.

To activate your email addresses:

  1. On the Activation menu, click Activate Email.
  2. In the Default Sender Email field, enter the email address that displays as the "sender" of these automated email messages.
  3. To add an extra layer of security to the email messages that Vantagepoint sends automatically, select the Add DeltekAdmin_ prefix to the Default Sender Email Address option.
    Selecting this option adds the prefix DeltekAdmin_ to the sender's email address, which makes it an email address that cannot receive replies. This practice also prevents spoofing, because only valid email messages can come from this appended email address.
  4. In the Default Help Desk Email field, enter the email address that is used to send automated messages to the Vantagepoint Help Desk.
  5. Click Done Activating Email.