Combine Records Tab of the Organization Sub-Codes Form (Key Conversions)

Select the organization sub-codes to combine.

Action Bar

Field Description
Run Click Run to consolidate existing codes.

Warning: We strongly recommend that a backup copy of your database is created before running the utility, because there is no way to undo the process without a backup database.

Schedule Click Schedule to display the Schedule dialog box where you can configure options to schedule the conversion process of the utility.

Combining Records Grid Columns

Field Description
Level Use this field to select the organization level with the organization code that you want to merge to another organization code record. This field lists all of the levels that your company has created.
Existing Organization Code Number This field enables after a level is selected in the Level field. Use this field to select the organization code that you want to merge to the selected organization code in the New Organization Code Number field.
Existing Organization Code Name This field displays the name of the selected organization in the Existing Organization Code Number field.
New Organization Code Number Use this field to select the new organization code the becomes the new merged organization code.
New Organization Code Name This field displays the name of the selected organization code in the New Organization Code Number field.

Combining Records Grid Options

Field Description
+ Add Organization Code Click + Add Organization Code below the grid to add a blank row in the grid. Use the blank row to enter the contribution code information in the respective columns. Add more blank rows to combine more records.
X Click X at the end or a row to delete the row.