Contents of the Billing Session Options Dialog Box

Use these fields and options to enter and view settings that apply to the invoices you create in Interactive Billing or Batch Billing or invoices that you review in Draft Invoice Approvals in the Projects hub.

Invoice Presentation Dates Section

The dates in this section are displayed on an invoice or credit memo. The dates are for display only and do not determine the billable transactions that are included on an invoice. The dates that determine the billable transactions for an invoice are in the Transaction Details section of this dialog box.

You can also edit the invoice presentation dates directly on the Interactive Billing and Batch Billing forms before you process invoices or credit memos.

Field Description
Invoice Date

In Interactive Billing or Batch Billing, enter or edit the invoice date to display on invoices and credit memos that are processed in an Interactive Billing or Batch Billing session.

The invoice date is posted to the Accounts Receivable Ledger for aging purposes.

If Vantagepoint is configured to require that the transaction dates fall within the current fiscal year or current fiscal period, the date that you enter must meet that requirement. (For the summary offsetting journal entry in this case, Vantagepoint uses the accounting period end date. If Vantagepoint is not configured to require transaction dates within the current fiscal year or current fiscal period, Vantagepoint uses the current date for the summary offsetting journal entry.)

If a project uses an approval process for billing invoices, you can edit the invoice date on the Billing Session Options dialog box in Draft Invoice Approvals in Hubs > Projects.

Period Start/End Date

In Interactive Billing or Batch Billing, enter the period start and end dates to display on the invoices that are processed in the current Interactive Billing or Batch Billing session. If your firm uses the active period as the default time frame setting in Interactive Billing, the start and end dates prefill with the start and end dates of the accounting period in which you are working.

The period start and end dates do not determine the billable transactions that are added to an invoice. Billable transactions are determined by the entries that you make in the Bill Through Date and Bill Through Period fields in the Transaction Details section.

On the Billing Session Options dialog box in Draft Invoice Approvals in the Projects hub, the Period Start/End Date fields are display-only.

Changing the Period Start Date if You Use an Invoice Approval Process

The information in this section applies if a project uses an approval process for billing invoices.

After you submit or approve a draft invoice, you can change the invoice's period start and end dates on the Billing Session Options dialog box in Interactive Billing. When you change these dates without changing the transaction bill through dates at the same time, you can choose whether or not to resubmit the draft invoice for approval again. After you change the period start and end dates and click OK on the Billing Session Options dialog box, the following options display on the Resubmit dialog box:

  • Resubmit: Select this option to create a revision of the draft invoice with the updated period start and end dates and resubmit the draft invoice for approval. If you use the Markup on Draft Invoices feature, any markups associated with the revision are retained but may not display in the originally intended location on the new draft invoice. You are prompted to enter a comment for the resubmitted invoice on the Draft Invoice Comments dialog box.
  • Save: Select this option to update the period start and end dates on the final invoice without submitting the draft invoice for approval again. The draft invoice is not affected and its current approval status remains unchanged. If you use the Markup on Draft Invoices feature, the draft PDF in approval does not show the updated period start and end dates because no new PDF is created. The updated period start and end dates display on the print preview of the invoice in Interactive Billing and in Draft Invoice Approvals in the Projects hub. The final invoice shows the updated period start and end dates.

Warning: When you change the period start and end dates and the transaction bill through dates at the same time, you are required to resubmit the draft invoice for approval again.

Transaction Details Section

The fields in this section determine the transactions that are billed on invoices in Batch Billing or the transactions that are displayed on the Labor, Expense, and Units tabs in Interactive Billing. On these tabs, you choose which transactions to bill on the next billing invoice for a project.

Field Description
Bill Through Date

Enter a bill-through date to limit the billable transactions to include on invoices in the Interactive or Batch Billing session.

  • In Interactive Billing: All labor, expense, and unit transactions for a project with a transaction date on or before the specified bill-through date are included on the Labor, Expense, and Units tabs in Interactive Billing. You then select which ones to include on the invoice.

    If you change the bill-through date for a submitted or approved invoice, you are prompted to resubmitted the invoice and enter comments for the resubmitted invoice. Previous comments for the invoice are retained. You see the new bill through date displayed at the top of the Interactive Billing form. The transactions on the Labor, Expenses, and Units tabs in Interactive Billing are changed accordingly for the new bill-through date, and the draft invoice, including the invoice amount is automatically recalculated. If the invoice was previously approved, it needs to go through the approval process again.

    If your firm uses the active period as the default time frame setting for Interactive Billing sessions, Vantagepoint does not prefill this field.

  • In Batch Billing: All the labor, expense, and unit transactions with a transaction date on or before the specified bill-through date are included on the invoices that are generated in the batch.
  • In Draft Invoice Approvals: This field is display-only and you cannot edit it. On the Billing Session Options dialog box in Interactive Billing you can edit the bill through date for submitted and approved invoices and then resubmit the invoice for approval. You can also unsubmit a submitted invoice and change the bill-through date and resubmit it.

Transactions with transaction dates that are not on or before the bill-through date are reserved for future billing sessions. This allows you to prepare invoices for one billing period while posting billable transactions for subsequent periods. Instead of placing all the newer transactions on hold, you can use this field to include only the desired transactions.

The bill-through date is typically a user-specified transaction date for labor and expense transactions. Therefore, by using a bill-through date, you are relying on the user to specify the correct date. If your bill-through date is also your period end date, Deltek recommends that you use the Bill Through Period field, and keep the Bill Through Date field blank.

Leave this field blank if you want to bill through the end of the period. Some companies use this option if they invoice bi-monthly.

Bill Through Period

Enter a bill-through period (accounting period and 4-digit fiscal year) to limit the billable transactions to include on invoices in a Interactive Billing or Batch Billing session. If your firm uses the active period as the default time frame setting in Interactive Billing, this field prefills with the fiscal period of the accounting period that you are working in.

  • In Interactive Billing: All labor, expense, and unit transactions for a project with a transaction date up through the specified bill-through period are included on the Labor, Expense, and Units tabs in Interactive Billing. You then select which transactions to include on the invoice.

    If you change the bill-through period for a submitted or approved invoice, you are prompted to resubmit the invoice and enter comments for the resubmitted invoice. Previous comments for the invoice are retained. You see the new bill-through period displayed at the top of the Interactive Billing form. The transactions on the Labor, Expenses, and Units tabs in Interactive Billing are changed accordingly for the new bill-through period, and the draft invoice, including the invoice amount is automatically recalculated. If the invoice was previously approved, it needs to go through the approval process again.

  • In Batch Billing: All the labor, expense, and unit transactions for a project with a transaction date up through the specified bill-through period are included on the invoices that are generated in the batch.
  • In Draft Invoice Approvals: This field is display-only and you cannot change it. To change the bill-through period for submitted invoices, you must first unsubmit the invoice and process it again with the correct bill-through period.

Transactions with transaction dates after the bill-through period are reserved for future billing sessions. This allows you to prepare invoices for one billing period while posting billable transactions for subsequent periods. You can use this option to include only certain transactions, instead of placing all of the newer transactions on Hold.

Show Non-billables on Detail Tabs

This checkbox displays in Interactive Billing and in Draft Invoice Approvals, but not in Batch Billing. In Draft Invoice Approvals, the checkbox is display-only.

In Interactive Billing:

Select this checkbox to include all non-billable transactions on the Labor, Expense, and Units tabs for the Interactive billing session. The non-billable transactions are for viewing only; they do not display on an invoice. Typically, you select this checkbox for fee-based projects. By displaying non-billable transactions, you can better estimate the fee amount or the fee percent complete. Showing non-billable items on the detail tabs may also help you catch any item that was incorrectly posted to a non-fee project. Deltek recommends that you select this checkbox.

In Settings > Billing > Options, a system administrator selects whether or not to show non-billables by default for all users and whether all users can change the setting on the Billing Session Options dialog box.

By default, all expense and units charges billed as expenses posted to 500-level accounts and labor charges posted to any labor code except the non-billable labor code, appear on the Labor and Expense tabs in Interactive Billing. Showing non-billable items on the detail tabs is useful for finding items that may have been posted to the wrong general ledger account or labor code.

If you select this checkbox, the following transactions appear on the transaction tabs in Interactive Billing:

  • Any labor posted to the non-billable labor code on the Labor tab.
  • Any expenses posted to a 600-level account on the Expenses tab.
Project View on Detail Tabs

This checkbox displays only in Interactive Billing. Select this checkbox to display the data for all WBS levels for a project on the Labor, Expense, and Units tabs in Interactive Billing. If you do not select this option, the detail tabs in Interactive Billing display the information for the first project, phase, task combination. If you have a significant amount of detail, or if each WBS level has different billing terms, Deltek recommends clearing this checkbox to improve performance.

Click beside the project name on the Interactive Billing form to select a phase or task to view the detail for a particular phase or task.
Display Totals on Details Tabs

Select this checkbox to display the total row on all grids for the billing session of the active (the company in which you are currently working). This option is available when you are in Interactive Billing and Draft Invoice Approvals. This checkbox is selected by default.

Other Settings

Field Description
Bill Scheduled Invoices Through Enter a date to determine which billing schedule milestones to include in the Batch Billing run or Interactive Billing session for each project selected that has an associated billing schedule.

This field is available only if you set the Use Scheduled Billing option to Yes in Settings > Billing > Fee.

If your firm uses the active period as the default time frame setting for Interactive Billing sessions, this field prefills with today's date.

This field is display-only in Draft Invoice Approvals. To change the date, you must first unsubmit the invoice and then process it again.

Examples for Batch Billing

  • Run draft invoices on a date prior to the Invoicing Date, but enter a future date in the Bill Scheduled Invoices Through field to allow you to include all invoices that are to be billed by a certain date (end of the month, for example). By doing this, you can create a batch of invoices that could be sent to the project manager for review prior to the bills being mailed to clients.
  • Enter a date that would allow you to bill a milestone prior to the invoicing date established in the billing schedule for a project's billing terms (in Hubs > Projects > Billing Terms on the Fees tab in the Fee Schedule grid). For example, if a project has a milestone of $10,000 due on February 28th, but you want to send the invoice on February 20th, you could enter February 28th in the Bill Scheduled Invoices Through field, run the batch on February 20th, and bill the amount earlier than scheduled.

Example for Interactive Billing

Enter a date that would allow you to bill a milestone prior to the invoicing date established in the billing schedule for a project's billing terms (in Hubs > Projects > Billing Terms on the Fees tab in the Fee Schedule grid). For example, if a project has a milestone of $10,000 due on February 28th, but you want to send the invoice on February 20th, you could enter February 28th in the Bill Scheduled Invoices Through field, create the invoices on February 20th, and bill the amount earlier than scheduled.

If you enter a future date in this field and a project's billing schedule includes more than one milestone between the invoice date entered on the Billing Session Options dialog box in Interactive Billing and the date entered in the Bill Scheduled Invoices Through field, the amounts of all milestones are combined to arrive at the amount to be billed on the invoice that is created for that project.

If Multiple Milestones Fall Between the Date That Bills Are Created and the Bill Scheduled Invoices Through Date

When more than one milestone falls between the date that you enter as the invoice date on the Billing Session Options dialog box for the billing session and the date in the Bill Scheduled Invoices Through field, the amounts are combined or the highest percentage of total fee is used to create the invoice. Here are two examples:

  • If the Fee Method and Fee Basis selected for a schedule's milestone is based on an amount (Fees tab in Billing Terms), the invoice date entered on the Billing Session Options dialog box for the billing session is April 1st, and the project to be billed has two milestones that have not been billed yet with dates of March 1st for $10,000 and April 1st for $20,000, an invoice is created for $30,000 for this project.
  • If the fee method and fee basis are based on a percentage, the invoice date entered on the Billing Session Options dialog box for the billing session is April 1st, and the project to be billed has two milestones that have not been billed yet with dates of March 1st for 20% and April 1st for 50%, an invoice is created for 50% of the fee amount.


If you have multiple companies in Vantagepoint, the Bill Scheduled Invoices Through field is available only if scheduled billing is enabled for the current company.

Diary This field displays only if you have set up a diary for the fiscal period or fiscal year in which you are entering transactions in the Diary Auto Numbering Options section of the Transaction Settings form in Settings > Accounting > Transactions.

Use this field to select a diary code for the current transaction or for the group of transactions, if you are processing a group of transactions. The diaries are used to generate diary reports that contain a set of sequentially numbered transactions that have been posted to the general ledger during the fiscal year or to specific fiscal periods. You can assign different diaries (that have different diary types) to different types of transactions.

The Diary drop-down list contains three columns. The first column displays the diary code. The second and third columns display the diary type for the diary code and the description of the diary type.

The drop-down list contains all the diaries that you set up in the Diary Auto Numbering Options section in Transactions Settings that either have the same fiscal period or fiscal year for which you are entering transactions or that have no fiscal period or year entered for them.

If you have multiple companies in Vantagepoint, the Diary field drop-down list includes only the diary codes that are set up for the current company. The list also includes IC - Intercompany Diary to capture intercompany transactions.

You cannot delete a transaction after it has been saved with a diary number. If a transaction is incorrect, you can enter zero amounts for the transaction or enter a reversing transaction.

Overhead Projects Section

This section displays when you open this dialog box in Interactive Billing; it is not included on this dialog box in Batch Billing or Draft Invoice Approvals.

The entries that you make in the Start Period for Transaction Detail field and the Number of periods to include field determine the range of transactions to include in the transaction detail grids on the Labor, Expenses, Units tabs on the Interactive Billing form for overhead and promotional projects.

Field Description
Start Period for Transaction Detail Enter the starting period (month and year) for the range of transactions for overhead and promotional projects to include in the grids. If your firm uses the active period as the default time frame setting in Interactive Billing, this field prefills with the period before the accounting period that you are working in.
Number of Periods to Include

Enter the number of periods for the overhead and promotional transactions to include in the grids, in addition to the period that you entered in the Start Period for Transaction Detail field.

Example: You want to see the transactions for overhead and promotional projects for periods 1 2022, 2 2022, and 3 2022 in the grids. In the Start Period for Transaction Detail field, enter period 1 2022. In the Number of Periods to Include field, enter 2.

If your firm uses the active period as the default time frame setting in Interactive Billing, 2 is automatically entered for the field.

If you leave the Number of Periods to Include field blank, 0 is automatically entered for the field. Only the transactions for overhead and promotional projects for the period that you entered in the Start Period for Transaction Detail field are included in the grids.

Final Invoice Processing Section

This section does not display when you open the Billing Session Options dialog box in Draft Invoice Approvals.

Field Description
Invoice File Name This field displays only in Interactive Billing. When you accept the first invoice in this Interactive Billing session (you click Accept in the actions bar on the Interactive Billing form), you are prompted to enter a file name for grouping invoices into a file for posting. This file name displays in this field. As you accept other invoices in the session, the other invoices are added to this file.
Preview accepted invoices

This field displays in Interactive Billing if you set the Store PDF of Final Invoice option to Yes in Settings > Billing > Options.

Select this checkbox to automatically preview final accepted invoices in the PDF viewer after you click Accept on the Interactive Billing form and complete the accept process.

Clear this checkbox to skip the preview of final invoices as part of the process when you click Accept on the Interactive Billing form. This could save time, especially if you email invoices or upload invoices to a client's portal.

Preview accepted invoices as PDF

This field displays in Interactive Billing if you set the Store PDF of Final Invoice option to No in Settings > Billing > Options.

Select this checkbox to automatically preview final accepted invoices in the PDF viewer after you click Accept on the Interactive Billing form, regardless of whether or not there are supporting documents for the invoice.

Clear this checkbox to automatically preview final invoices using the Vantagepoint report viewer if there are no supporting documents for the invoice and no reports uploaded to SFTP.

Next Company Invoice Number

This field displays in Interactive Billing and Batch Billing only if you set the Invoice Numbering option to Companywide in Settings > Billing > Options.

This field displays the invoice number that will be used when the next final invoice is accepted. You cannot change the number in this field. This field prefills with the number that is entered in the Next Invoice Number field in Settings > Billing > Options. This number is automatically incremented by one after you accept a new invoice.

The invoice number in this field applies for both invoices and credit memos.

When you use the Project numbering method for invoices:

  • The project-based invoice numbers do not display on the Billing Session Options dialog box.
  • You can change invoice numbers in the Next Invoice Number field on the Summary pane in Billing Terms for a project.
Disable Upset Limits Select this checkbox to calculate final invoices without applying upset limits. This is useful if you are using upset limits to budget your projects, but are not required to bill them in this way. You set the company-wide default for this option in Settings > Billing > Options. To override the company-wide default for the current session only, select or clear this checkbox.
Review GL Details on Accept

This checkbox displays when the Billing Session Options dialog box opens from Interactive Billing. It displays only if your security role has the Allow Edits to Accept checkbox selected in the Billing Security: Interactive Billing and Invoice Approvals section on the Accounting tab in Settings > Security > Roles.

Select the Review GL Details on Accept checkbox if you want the Invoice Accept dialog box to display when you final accept an invoice in Interactive Billing. You can then edit the general ledger details on this dialog box.

Clear this checkbox if you do not want the Invoice Accept dialog box to display when you final accept an invoice in Interactive Billing. The Invoice Accept dialog box will still display if you are processing a final invoice that you edited (in Microsoft Word or Excel, PDF, and so on) using Other Actions > Download for Editing on the Interactive Billing form.

Post on Accept

This checkbox displays on the Billing Session Options dialog box in Interactive Billing and Batch Billing. It displays if your security role has the proper security for posting transactions and honors transaction entry approval rules.

Select this checkbox to have final invoices post automatically when you close a billing session in Interactive Billing and Batch Billing, the following occur:

  • In Interactive Billing: After you click the Accept action and complete the billing session to process final invoices, when you leave the Interactive Billing application, an invoice transaction file is automatically created and posted.
  • In Batch Billing: After you set the Run Type to Final on the Invoice Creation tab, click the Create Invoices action, and complete the billing session to process final invoices, when the Batch Billing run completes, an invoice transaction file is automatically created and posted.

The invoice transaction file includes all invoices finalized during the billing session, including invoices, voided invoices, credit memos, and retainage-only invoices.

View the automatically posted invoice transaction files for the billing sessions completed in Interactive Billing and Batch Billing in Transaction Center > Posting Review.

When you do not select the Post on Accept checkbox on the Billing Session Options dialog box in Interactive Billing or Batch Billing, when you process final invoices in a billing session, you must go to Transaction Center > Transaction Entry > Invoices to post the file.

Other Settings

Field Description
Invoice Addressee

This field prefills with the default option that is set up in Settings > Billing > Invoice Format. Change the prefilled option as needed.

Select the line of text to print as the first line (addressee) above the billing client's address on an invoice. The billing client's address fields prints below the invoice addressee.

Options are:

  • Address 1 of Billing Client's Billing Address: The text that is entered in the Address 1 field of the address specified as the project's billing address prints above the billing client's billing address. You save client address information in the Firms hub. You specify which saved address to use as a project's billing address in the Projects hub.
  • Name of Billing Client: The client name, as entered in the project's Billing Client field in the Projects hub, prints above the billing client's billing address.
  • Name of Billing Contact: The contact name, as entered in the project's Billing Contact field, prints above the billing client's billing address.
  • Name of Billing Contact / Client: The name of the billing contact and then the name of the billing client prints above the billing client's billing address.

This field is display-only in Draft Invoice Approvals. To change the invoice addressee, you must first unsubmit the invoice and then process it again.

Upload Report via SFTP or Export Reports as Files

The Upload Report via SFTP field displays if you use the Vantagepoint cloud product and you set up Vantagepoint to allow reports to be uploaded via SFTP (Allow Reports to be Uploaded via SFTP is selected in the Export Report as Files field in Settings > General > Options).

The Export Reports as Files field displays if you use the Vantagepoint on-premises product and you set up Vantagepoint to allow reports to be exported to the application server (Allow Reports to be Exported to the Application Server is selected in the Export Report as Files field in Settings > General > Options).

Select either checkbox to save an electronic copy of an invoice on the Vantagepoint SFTP host or application server when an invoice is printed, when an invoice is accepted, and when prior invoices are previewed. Copies are saved to the Vantagepoint installation directory on the application server or the SFTP host. For example, the directory may appears as follows: Program Files\Deltek\Vantagepoint\Reports\Saved Files.

This field is display-only in Draft Invoice Approvals. To change the setting, you must first unsubmit the invoice and the process it again.

Save File As

This field displays if the Upload Report via SFTP or the Export Reports as Files field displays on this dialog box. Select the file type for saving invoices.

Options are:

  • Adobe PDF
  • Rich Text Format (RTF)
  • Microsoft Word Document
  • Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet
  • Tagged Image File Format (TIFF)
  • Comma-Separated File Format
  • XML Document
  • HTML Document