Employees and QuickBooks Integration

When you use QuickBooks Online with Vantagepoint, you enter employees in QuickBooks Online.

Adding New Employees in QuickBooks Online

Add new employees in QuickBooks Online in Workers > Employees. Only the new employees with an Active status are added to the Employees hub in Vantagepoint Hubs > Employee > Employees. The employees are added in Vantagepoint with an Active status.

Mapping Vantagepoint Employees to QuickBooks Online Vendors

You must map an employee in Vantagepoint to a vendor in QuickBooks Online, so you can pay an employee who enters expense reports in Vantagepoint using vendor bills in QuickBooks Online. You enter a vendor record for the employee in QuickBooks Online, and it is added to Vantagepoint as a vendor-type firm in the Firms hub (Hubs > Firms > Firms). Then you map the employee in Vantagepoint to the vendor in QuickBooks Online.

If you used the Vantagepoint QuickBooks Integration utility to set up the integration between Vantagepoint and QuickBooks Online, for more information, see Map a Vendor Record to an Employee Record.

Important Information About Employee Status if You Use QuickBooks Online Payroll

The following information applies only if you use QuickBooks Online Payroll.

In QuickBooks Online, you must enter a date in the Released Date field for an employee when the employee is terminated. If an employee is terminated and a release date is not entered in this field in QuickBooks Online, the employee will be added to Vantagepoint with an Active status.

Entering Employees Directly in Vantagepoint

You can enter new employees directly in the Vantagepoint Employees hub. However, these employees do not get added to QuickBooks Online.

You typically enter new employees directly in Vantagepoint for contractors who are not on your payroll. This allows the "contractor" employees to enter timesheets and expense reports in Vantagepoint so that labor and expenses are applied for project costing and billing invoices. This also allows the contractors to be paid for expense reports entered in Vantagepoint using vendor invoices in QuickBooks Online. The timesheet hours entered by contractor employees in Vantagepoint are not added to QuickBooks Online for payroll purposes. For more information about contractors and entering employee records for them in Vantagepoint, see Contractors and QuickBooks Integration.

Deleting Employees

In QuickBooks Online you cannot delete an employee, but you can change the employee's status to Inactive. When you change the status to Inactive in QuickBooks Online, the status of the matching employee in the Vantagepoint Employees hub is changed to Terminated. In Vantagepoint you cannot enter timesheets or expense reports for terminated employees.

Making Changes to Employees

In Vantagepoint, the employee fields that are shared with QuickBooks Online are read-only. You must make changes to the shared fields in QuickBooks Online and the changes are updated in Vantagepoint.

You can enter and change the information in fields in the Vantagepoint Employees hub that are not shared with QuickBooks Online.

Shared Employee Fields Between Vantagepoint and QuickBooks Online

The following table identifies the equivalent employee fields that are shared between Vantagepoint and QuickBooks Online:

QuickBooks Online Fields in Workers > Employees Vantagepoint Fields in Hubs > Employees
Title Salutation (part of the full name on the Overview tab)
First name, M.I., and Last name First Name, Middle Name, and Last Name on the Overview tab
Suffix Suffix on the Overview tab
Status Status in the Summary pane
Home Phone Home Phone as part of the contact information in the Summary pane
Mobile Phone Mobile Phone as part of the contact information in the Summary pane
Email Email as part of the contact information in the Summary pane
Home address fields Home address fields on the Personal and Contact Details tab
Hire Date Hire Date on the Employment Details tab
Released Termination Date on the Employment Details tab